Reinforcement of manufacturing competitiveness through increased production and energy...
As the official media partner, China Glass Network is committed to promoting Chinese glass enterprises, helping glass enterprises to expand the international market quickly, and is a bridge to connect domestic suppliers and...
Under the background of economic globalization, with the rapid development of the new scientific and technological revolution, 5G, intelligent manufacturing, big data, "The Belt and Road", "Internet plus", "China Brand Day" continuously pushed...
30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition was held from May 22 to May 25 at New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing,...
As a glass industry’s wind vane, the 30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition (China Glass 2019) will take place at China International Exhibition Center (new venue) in Beijing from May 22 to 25,...
As a glass industry’s wind vane, the 30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition (China Glass 2019) will take place at China International Exhibition Center (new venue) in Beijing from May 22 to 25,...
As one of the largest platforms in glass industry, Golden Glass Award is highly socialized. The continuous 23-days voting time facilitates the nominating companies and nominators´ self-advertisement. Most importantly, it is Free Of...
HarbisonWalker International (HWI) manufactures a variety of mortars for a wide range of applications, service conditions, and...
CoolTemper has installed a new full convection tempering furnace at South Africa-based PG Glass. Company officials say the furnace features a newly developed Dynamic Quench and Dynamic Windbox...
Full convection or radiation? Cooltemper „FireJet“ can...
We, the Haselsteiner GmbH, have developed an automatic tempering furnace bed loading and unloading system. Since, in most cases a glass tempering plant has a very high-power consumption and therefore causes high operating costs, an optimal use of...
Bereits zum vierten Mal rief der Chemnitzer Solarmodulhersteller zur großen Auftaktveranstaltung am 22. Januar 2019 zahlreiche Akteure der Solarbranche nach...
The new high-resolution laser marking from HEGLA boraident is machine-readable, making it ideal for the unique identification of window and door profiles – and...
With a symbolic ground-breaking ceremony, the starting signal was given for a major investment at...
Peter Heyer will be leaving the company on 31 August 2022 after 36 years at HEGLA, including 30 as head of after-sales services at HEGLA Maintenance and...
Fensterbau Frontale marks the return of trade fair activities for the window and glass industry from 12 July...
Mit der Fensterbau Frontale kehrt ab dem 12. Juli 2022 das Messegeschehen für die Fenster- und Glasbranche...
Normally, one update follows the other to bring software up-to-date. But HEGLA-HANIC from Bochum, Germany, does things...
Normalerweise folgt ein Update auf das nächste und bringt eine Software auf den neuesten...
The future of the glass sector is networked and...
HEGLA, der Marktführer für diese Transportaufbauten in Deutschland, präsentiert sich auf der kommenden Fensterbau Frontale in Nürnberg mit einem Branchenfahrzeug zum Vorzugspreis sowie einem speziell für den Stadtverkehr weiterentwickelten...
Die Glaston Corporation und HEGLA haben beschlossen, ihren Kooperationsvertrag aufgrund von veränderten Wettbewerbsbedingungen zu beenden. Der Vertrag, der 2012 zwischen der Bystronic Lenhardt GmbH, der Conzzeta AG, der HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG und der...
HEGLA and Glaston Corporation have decided to terminate their cooperation agreement due to changes in the companies’ competitive positions. The agreement, which was entered into in 2012 by Bystronic Lenhardt GmbH, Conzzeta AG, HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG,...
Die deutsche HEGLA-Gruppe gibt bekannt, dass am 05. September 2019 in Nokia, Finnland, ein Kaufvertrag mit den bisherigen Aktionären der Firma TAIFIN Glass Machinery Oy über die Mehrheit des Aktienkapitals unterzeichnet worden ist. HEGLA wird 51%...
Under the trade fair slogan “Three times the expertise”, the HEGLA Group presentation at Vitrum 2019 in Milan will focus on solutions for the increasingly complex requirements for machine performance, digitalisation, and laser-supported product...
On 1 August 2019, the ground-breaking ceremony was held for the new HEGLA production site in Stockbridge, Henry County, Georgia...
Die Anforderungen zukünftiger Märkte, die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und beispielsweise neue Verfahren zur Funktionalisierung und Strukturierung von Glasoberflächen stehen im Mittelpunkt der neugegründeten „HEGLA New Technology“. Die...
The requirements of future markets, the opportunities of digitalisation, and new processes for the surface functionalisation and structuring of glass are the focus of the newly established “HEGLA New Technology”...
Ihrem Ruf als Weltleitmesse für Glas ist die Glasstec auch 2018 wieder mehr als gerecht geworden, so das Resümee des HEGLA-Geschäftsführers Bernhard...
At the Fensterbau Frontale trade fair in Nuremberg, people are the focus for HEGLA and HEGLA...
Zur Fensterbau Frontale in Nürnberg steht bei HEGLA und der HEGLA boraident der Mensch im...
To optimally leverage the production resources of a tempering furnace, the bed load must strictly comply with production and quality...
Als Reaktion auf die sich in einigen Ländern wieder zuspitzende und nicht abschätzbare Dynamik der Corona-Pandemie hat sich die HEGLA-Gruppe entschlossen, die Teilnahme an der Vitrum...
For maximum proximity to customers and to continue to meet the requirements of the rapidly growing eastern European market in future, the HEGLA Group will open a subsidiary in Poland on 1 October...
For maximum proximity to customers and to continue to meet the requirements of the rapidly growing eastern European market in future, the HEGLA Group will open a subsidiary in Poland on 1 October...
The HEGLA Group’s range of topics at Vitrum could scarcely be wider, but it is an example of just how diversely the glass industry has developed in recent...
Thanks to laser technology, the glass industry can do something that would be almost inconceivable in any other...
The HEGLA Laserbird is a system that can manipulate the top layer of a pane of glass or use laser printing to alter its properties, thus providing the glass with an additional benefit for the...
With direct access to additional types of products and lower handling costs, a compact storage system for glass contributes to improved workflows and greater...
Score, heat, break out, slit, and separate the film – this is the classical process used for LSG...
The German HEGLA Group has announced in January 2021 that it will expand its customer and service activities in the Asia/Pacific and MENA...
The glass production of the future will be fully networked and digitalized. Alongside digital support for employees, it will provide quick insight into machine capacity and even the current position of a specific...