Glass Industry News

Company of Vidrios de Chuquisaca lights its oven with a view to its inauguration

, Envibol

 The Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Nélida Sifuentes, informed on Saturday that the productive public enterprise of Glass Containers of Bolivia (Envibol), located in the municipality of Zudáñez in the department of Chuquisaca, lit his oven with a view to its early inauguration.

He said that in two weeks the Government is expected to make the official delivery of that factory, which demanded an investment of more than 58 million dollars.

«We are very happy, today we are going to light the furnace, a good work, that this industry is really profitable that generates economic resources for the department (...), the whole population very happy, grateful to our brother president Evo Morales; in about two weeks our President will be here to give the functionality to the entire industry that we have been waiting for so long, "he explained to the Patria Nueva Network.

According to Envibol, the furnace must reach a temperature of between 1,500 and 1,600 degrees Celsius of heat in 265 hours of heating, that is to say 11 days to obtain molten glass for the formation of the bottles.

Sifuentes explained that this industry has the capacity to process 120 tons of glass per day to produce 200,000 bottles and said that the industry has a guaranteed market.

"It is a very big industry, we are already closing the agreements with the companies that buy us the glasses, as it is Paceña (Cervecería Boliviana Nacional), Potosina, Coca Cola and other companies of our country so that it can give the functionality so that we can give an economic movement in Zudáñez, "he said.

He stressed that this factory will generate more than 200 direct labor sources and hundreds of hints, and will boost the economic activity of that region of the country.

, © Envibol

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