Glass Industry News

ColorGATE appoints industry expert to head its Sales and Business Development team

, ColorGATE

Following its acquisition by Ricoh Company Ltd. at the end of 2018, the German software company ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH further strengthens its organization and appoints an industry expert to head its sales team: effective January this year, Wilfried Kampe joins the Hanover based leader in color management and workflow solutions for industrial inkjet applications as Vice President Global Sales.

Wilfried comes with over 20 years of experience in the printing industry. He witnessed the development of the first digital printing systems in the second half of the nineties and adds in-depth experience with the hardware and software side of this industry as well as a large international network to the team.

He assumed international product management, marketing, and sales positions in several well-known companies such as Microtek International, Tektronix CPID (Color Printing & Imaging Division), Böwe Systec, Bestcolor, EFI, and Kornit, always staying very close to imaging and printing.

After accomplishing the setup of the European subsidiary operation on behalf of Kornit Digital Ltd., and nine months subsequent to the IPO of the Israel based company, he decided to take a step back and put more focus on a healthy work-life-balance, leaving behind a highly motivated and successful team.

In time for DRUPA 2016, Wilfried launched his own business, centered around industrial inkjet. He acted as strategic advisor to several private equity companies with interests in textile printing and provided management consultancy to clients, using or migrating towards industrial inkjet technology ever since.

"I have followed ColorGATE since the early 2000s when I headed Sales & Marketing at Bestcolor, a pioneer of digital inkjet proofing. Back then it was one of our competitors", says Wilfried. "Today, ColorGATE has a unique profile, thanks to the founder’s strategic vision, which led him to initiate a shift towards industrial inkjet a few years ago. Together with its new owner Ricoh, a power-house in industrial inkjet, the company enjoys an exciting perspective. I am thrilled and proud to contribute to the company’s further development and growth, together with this great team Thomas has brought together."

Thomas Kirschner, founder and CEO of ColorGATE, added: "Ever since we know each other, our dealings are borne by mutual respect. With his enormous experience and his human touch, Wilfried is a great fit to the organization, and to myself as its CEO. I am excited and confident that together we will bring ColorGATE to the next level."

About ColorGATE

For over 20 years, ColorGATE has been supporting the printing industry with its color competence on its way from analogue to digital printing and the future of Print 4.0. Customers rely on innovative software solutions, RIP Software and printer driver technology for Commercial and Industrial Printing.

ColorGATE’s solutions are used daily around the globe by thousands of digital imaging users and also deliver tailor-made, modular software solutions for specific application areas of industrial production of decor, ceramic, textile, and packaging. ColorGATE was founded in 1997 by Thomas Kirschner (CEO) and operates worldwide with 40 employees in 7 expert teams. Recently Ricoh Company, Ltd. announced that the company has reached an agreement to buy ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH.

, © ColorGATE

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