Glass Industry News

Classic pharmaceutical vials are also popular in the beauty world

, Gerresheimer AG

Gerresheimer packages cosmetics and pharmaceutical products

Many high-quality cosmetics and care products are offered in pharmacies. In addition, the trend of filling high-quality care products such as anti-aging cosmetics in pharmaceutical bottles continues unchanged.

A dropper bottle with a pipette is ideal for the precious active ingredients, of which often only a few drops are enough for them to develop their effect on the skin. The standardized pharmaceutical bottles made of moulded or tubular glass that are registered in the pharmacopoeias are produced according to strict requirements. This type of packaging stands like no other for the effectiveness of its contents.

"It is a good thing that Gerresheimer has excellent expertise in both the cosmetics and pharmaceutics sectors for primary packaging made of glass," says Nicola Balena, Vice-President Global Business Management Cosmetic Moulded Glass, who has been advising and supporting well- known customers for Gerresheimer for over two decades. For him glass is the packaging material of first choice. It makes no difference whether it is a luxuriously decorated perfume flacon, a cream jar or a dropper bottle for a care product. "We can give our customers the best possible advice because we have access to a comprehensive range of glass that we produce ourselves," explains Nicola Balena.

Oils, emulsions, creams and peelings that contain high-quality active ingredients are also called dermaceuticals. For example, they provide the skin with moisture and elasticity for a healthy and fresh appearance. Depending on the skin type, beauty salons and studios recommend to their customers, for example, care products containing fatty acids, hyaluron, collagen, retinol and vitamins. These products are often filled and packaged in glass containers like medicines. This has the advantage that the different liquids can be stored in them for a long time. Possible changes in the contents can be seen with the naked eye thanks to the glass packaging. After all, high-quality skin care products and medications have in common that they should be stored in a protected place and used as cleanly as possible before being used or taken.

Brand identity
For brand identity, the glass vials can also be produced, labelled or decorated in different glass colours. Gerresheimer's decoration centers have an extensive repertoire of decoration techniques: single-color and multicolor screen printing (organic, ceramic and UV inks), pad printing (also on the bottle base), single-color and multicolor color spraying, acid etching, hot-foil stamping, mouth sealing (temperature-resistant), metallization and fire polishing.

Gerresheimer as a partner to the cosmetics industry
Gerresheimer's portfolio comprises innovative glass and plastic packaging for perfume, cosmetics and personal care. It has a large number of standard shapes as well as customized packaging to meet individual requirements. As a leading partner for selective cosmetics and mass and mass markets, the company offers sustainable and state-of- the-art technologies, individual finishing and decoration techniques and various materials for the production of high-quality packaging solutions.

Market leader in the use of recycled glass and plastic in the cosmetics sector
Gerresheimer is the market leader in the production of cosmetics packaging made of genuine PCR (post-consumer-recycling) glass and also produces plastic containers with a high recycled content. The company is committed to promoting sustainability in the industry. By using recycled glass and recycled plastic, new high-quality cosmetics packaging can be produced in a resource-conserving way.

, © Gerresheimer AG

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