Glass Industry News

China Glass 2020 Promotes High-Quality Development of the Glass Industry

, Chinese Ceramic Society

The 31st China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition (China Glass 2020) organized by the Chinese Ceramic Society and contracted by Beijing Zhonggui Exhibition Co., Ltd., will make a strong return at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from April 14 to 17, 2020. China Glass 2020 will cover the entire value chain of the glass industry, including flat glass manufacturing, glass production and application, technical glass, processing technology and equipment, raw and auxiliary materials, and refractory materials. China Glass 2020 is committed to providing an excellent market expansion and technology exchange platform for global glass manufacturers and providers of processing equipment.

Promoting High-Quality Development of the Glass Industry

The National total output of flat glass from January to November 2019 was 848.43 million weight cases, up 6.9 percent year-on-year. There was a slight increase in the output of processed glass sector, including tempered glass, insulating glass and laminated glass. The overall production and operation of China’s glass industry was stable in 2019. The growth in output was accompanied by a fall in average ex-factory price, showing greater downward pressure on the economic benefit of the industry. As the most notable event in the global glass industry in 2020, China Glass will focus on the industry restructuring and promotion of high-quality development. It will provide more innovative perspectives for the entire value chain from the areas of intelligent manufacturing, low-carbon and low energy consumption, and high efficient production. This event will set up 5 theme exhibition areas, including Hall E1 for international brands, Hall E2 for glass production and application, Hall E3 for tempering furnace & refractory materials, Hall E4 - E7 for deep processing equipment & domestic glass, hall E8 - E9 for refractory, raw and auxiliary materials, glass windows & doors, as well as art glass. As a professional exhibition, China Glass 2020 will provide more products and solutions for the construction, automotive, consumer electronics, household, photovoltaic and other industries.

Mainstream Brands Gathering at China Glass 2020

In terms of size, professionalism and internationalization, China Glass 2020 is a leading exhibition and wind vane of the glass industry. It attracted many mainstream brands from home and abroad. By the end of 2019, 920 manufacturers (including 204 overseas companies) from 28 countries and regions confirmed their participation in this event, including China, Germany, Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, etc. The total exhibition area exceeds 90,000 m2. Domestic exhibitors include: China Building Materials Academy, Triumph Group, Anhui Huaguang, Xinfuxing Glass, Ruitai Materials Technology, Qinhuangdao Glass Industry Research & Design Institute, China New Building Materials Design & Research Institute, Sinoma Advanced Materials, China Yaohua Glass, Luoyang Float Glass, China Glass Holdings, Taiwan Glass, JING YOW Enterprise, Xinyi Glass, CSG Holding, Jinjing, Shanghai SYP, Kibing, Flat Glass, Shanxi Lihu, Hubei Yijun, Shandong Guangyao, Hebei Yingxin, Shahe Glass, North Glass, Mountain Glass, Land Glass, South Glass Technology, Tenon, Yinrui, Fangding, MGM Glass, EI, GOLIVE, Fushan Glass, BOZA, Weili, Liaoning North Glass, Lewei, Dinganda Glass, Guilin Champion Union, Dardi Water Cutter, Sanjin Glass, Mr. Glass, HIHO Glass, Sanjiang, Zibo GT Industrial Ceramics, ZIBO ASAHI, etc.

Foreign exhibitors include: Lisec, Glaston, Vonardenne, Vesuvius, Sefpro, Dip-tech, Benteler, Henry F. Teichmann, Buhler Leybold, Grenzebach, Five Stein, Precision, Hegla, Zippe, Bottero, Fenzi, Intermac, Ocmi, Horn, Koemmerling, Technoform, Teka, Viprotron, Glasstech, Teco, Honeywell, etc. Some of them are Global 500 companies, such as Schneider, Tüv, Honeywell, AGC, Carl Zeiss, Air Liquide, Sandvik, Heraeus, Air Products, etc.

China Glass 2020 Highlights

Energy-Efficient and Safe Glass Products in the Field of Building Energy Conservation

  The strong development of urbanization in China has pushed up people’s demand for energy saving and living comfort, and put forward higher technical requirements for new glass products.

With the development of green building, energy-efficient insulating glass, coated glass, electrochromic glass and tempered vacuum glass are penetrating into tier 2 and tier 3 cities, which will greatly expand the deep processing glass market. More domestic and foreign manufacturers at China Glass 2020 will focus on environmental performance, design novelty, processing precision and high quality of glass products, as well as introduce more new products.

Ultra-Thin and Ultra-White Glass Products in the Field of Photovoltaic and Consumer Electronics

  As one of the raw materials for panels used in photovoltaic power generation and electronic products such as smart phones, televisions and computers, ultra-white and ultra-thin glass have a huge demand in China, and show an increasing trend year by year. Domestic enterprises represented by China Building Materials Academy and Triumph Group will launch innovative products in this field.

Innovative Products and Equipment in the Field of Glass Deep Processing

  Innovation and development of glass industry have been focusing on the direction of thinness, high transparency, large size and multi-function. Some leading glass companies including CSG Holding, Shanghai SYP, Kibing, Mountain Glass, Land Glass, Jinjing, Glaston, and Dip-tech will bring more innovative products and equipment, such as: float glass manufacturing technology, pretreatment and large-scale processing equipment, tempering equipment, insulating glass production line, glass digital printing equipment, etc.

Special Exhibition Area for Art Glass

  The art glass display area at China Glass 2019 attracted a large number of visitors. Exquisite glass crafts added vivid humanistic and artistic ambience to this technical exhibition. China Glass 2020 will continue to set up an exclusive area for art glass, gathering works of famous domestic glass artists. Chic and unique design of glass crafts will reveal the special charm of glass in the changes of light and shadow.

Upgrading Service and Gathering More Buyers

  In the context of uncertain global economic growth, reduction of excessive capacity, and shift in driving forces for development, the glass industry will benefit from industrial restructuring and policy of stimulating domestic demand. Driven by the requirements of environmental protection and high-quality development, the glass industry shows great demand in the areas of improving processing equipment, investing in environmental facilities, and upgrading in the field of deep processing. China Glass is still the preferred development platform for both domestic and foreign glass enterprises. China Glass 2020 will, as always, maintain close cooperation with domestic and foreign industry institutes and professional media, integrate superior service resources, actively use the Internet and social network to carry out in-depth online and offline promotion, and invite more high-quality professional buyers for exhibitors.

  Please visit China Glass official website for more exhibition details.

, © Chinese Ceramic Society

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Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

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