Glass Industry News

China Glass 2019 Came to a Successful End

, The Chinese ceramic Society

On May 25, the 30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition (China Glass 2019), organized by the Chinese Ceramic Society and contracted by Beijing Zhonggui Exhibition Co., Ltd., was brought to a successful conclusion.

China Glass 2019 attracted 34329 visitors from 66 countries during the four days event, including 30279 domestic visitors and 4050 foreign visitors. During the exhibition, there are 9 visitor groups of over 1000 buyers to attend the event, who came from foreign industry organizations in multiple countries, such as Japan, South Korea, India and Vietnam, as well as various domestic glass industry organizations.

As the largest exhibition of the global glass industry in 2019, the exhibition area of China Glass 2019 reached 106,800 square meters, 33% higher than the previous one. 905 manufacturers from 28 countries and regions participated in this exhibition, including 665 domestic manufacturers and 240 foreign manufacturers. Foreign industry organizations including the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), Italian Glass Processing Machinery and Accessory Supplier’s Association (GIMAV) and Dame Associates, Inc. organized their member companies to participate in China Glass 2019 in the form of nation pavilion from Germany, Italy and the USA.

Many distinguished guests at home and abroad were present at the event, including Mr. Qiao Longde, President of China Building Materials Federation, Mrs. Gao Ruiping, President of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Zhang Renwei, Former President of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Xu Yongmo, Chief Supervisor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mrs. Yao Yan, Deputy Chief Supervisor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Chen Guoqing and Mr. Zhang Dongzhuang, Vice President of China Building Materials Federation, Mr. Peng Shou, Mr. Jin Zhanping, Mr. Liu Jianhua and Mrs. Yan Bilan, Vice President of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Tan Fu, Secretary-General of Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Liu Jie, Executive Vice Secretary-General of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Chen Kexin, Vice Secretary-General of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Mr. Zhang Baiheng, Vice President of China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association, Mr. Meng Lingyan, President of China National Association for Glass Industry, Heads of Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, VDMA, Embassy of Italy, Italian Trade Commission, GIMAV and representative of manufacturers.

The event has 6 theme exhibition areas including international area, flat glass and glass products, integrated manufacturer, processing equipment, Raw and auxiliary materials and refractory materials, accessories and glass hardwares. Many exhibitors display their innovative glass products, processing equipment and cutting-edge intelligent manufacturing technology. The exhibits related to intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing and other new technologies, new products and equipment in the field of building energy conservation has become a hot spot for many visitors. Many manufacturers and research institutions released their latest products during the event. China Building Materials Academy displayed the core material of bio-optical identification chip used in fingerprint identification of smartphone. Triumph Group’s exhibits such as the industrial robot, cadmium telluride power glass and ultra-thin electronic glass have attracted focus of many visitor at home and broad. The 8 meters of super arc-length curved tempered glass brought by North Glass has become the focus of attention in its first appearance on the stage of China Glass 2019. Land machine exhibition of automatic vacuum glass production line attracted many professional visitors to consult negotiations.

Mainstream Manufacturers of global glass industry were present in the event, including China Building Materials Academy, Triumph Group, China Glass Holdings, CSG Holding, China Yaohua, Jinjing Group, Shanghai SYP Glass, Kibing Group, Luoyang Float Glass Group, Hebei Yingxin, Ruitai Materials Technology, TAIWANGLASS, Xinyi Glass, SHANXI LIHU, Shahe Glass Group, North Glass, Mountain Glass, Land Glass, LiSEC, Glaston, Bystronic Glass, AGC, Von•Ardenne, Vesuvius, SEPR, Dip-tech, Benteler, Henry F. Teichmann, Buhler Leybold, Grenzebach Machinery, Five Stein, Pricision, Hegla, Bottero, Fenzi, Intermac.

China Glass 2019 is not only a platform for glass industry trade talks but also a platform for cross-boundary technology exchange and industry integration between construction and glass industry. The 2019 Forum on New Glass Technology and Application in Architecture was held during the event. Five speakers from Triumph Technology, China Academy of Building Research, Kommerling, Bystronic and PGT Innovations of the United States have delivered wonderful speeches. Topics include: application and development of glass in strategic emerging industries, efficient sealing system of insulating glass, technical requirements for energy-saving glass in near-zero-energy buildings, etc. More than 300 experts from architecture and glass industry enterprises and academic research institutions conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on innovative practices in the field of ultra-low-energy buildings and glass deep processing.

16 seminars and product promotion meeting were held during the exhibition. The topics covered intelligent manufacturing in glass industry, environmental protection technology in glass production, energy-saving of furnace, application technology of coating, various innovative technologies and applications in glass processing, new products and technologies in glass printing, etc. According to the statistics of the on-site staff, the seminars attracted nearly 1,000 visitors to be present and the number of technical seminars and audience reached a new high.

The organizer jointly organized the popular science show of glass art with Zhongjingnancheng Culture Development Co., Ltd. at the event. A delegation of advanced Materials Societies Consortium of China Association for Science and Technology visited the exhibition. The staff at the exhibition area explained and popularized the knowledge of dewaxing casting process of glass artworks to the members of the visiting group and visitors. Dozens of exquisite glass works of art explained the combination of humanity art with glass science and technology and attracted a large number of visitors to watch.

Since its establishment in 1986, China Glass exhibition has became one of the two major professional exhibitions in the global glass industry. With the trust and support of numerous domestic and foreign glass manufacturers, the China Glass exhibition has won its present status and international influence in global glass industry. To thank for the long-standing support of exhibitor from home and aboard, the organizer held an award ceremony of “Stand Together for 30 Years Join Hands to the Future” on May 22. 67 exhibitors received contribution award, including 35 received the "20 years contribution award", 18 received the "25 years contribution award" and 14 received the "30 years contribution award". VDMA and Gimav was also received their "Best Cooperation Award".

China Glass 2019 has come to a successful conclusion. As the most influential professional exhibition in the global glass industry, the China Glass exhibition is always committed to providing business talk platform for global glass industry so as to enable the industry innovation and to contribute to the high-quality development of China's glass industry transformation and upgrading. China Glass 2020 will take stage at Shanghai New International Expo Centre on April 14-17, 2020, its booth sales work will start in the upcoming July. We long for our next gathering in Shanghai.

, © The Chinese ceramic Society

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