Glass Industry News

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: PepsiCo Foods North America and LNESC Partner to Bridge the Digital Literacy Divide

, PepsiCo

 PepsiCo Foods North America (PFNA) is proud to announce a $150,000 investment to enhance digital literacy training across the nation through its partnership with LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC). This initiative comes as a critical response to a staggering statistic: 32 million Americans lack essential digital skills.1

To address this gap, PFNA's investment emphasizes the importance of fostering digital skills from an early age and across generations to unlock educational and economic opportunities, in line with its key business priorities. Since 2022, PepsiCo has donated over $500,000 to LNSEC's Pathways to Uplift and Empower through Novel Technology and Education Services (P.U.E.N.T.E.S.) program, which provides vital training and educational support for families equipping them with the skills, resources, and tools needed to be successful in a digital environment.

With PFNA's support, the P.U.E.N.T.E.S. program has reached 450 participants across six U.S. cities, creating transformative learning environments that equip families with essential technology skills – including a San Antonio family whose six-year-old son is part of the bilingual program. Melody Urbina found it not only helped from an education standpoint, but it created new opportunities for her to bond with her son and strengthened the family's connections with the school and their community.

According to Urbina, "The program is about more than just technology. We've created a strong network with other families. The program has facilitated communication across different cultures and generations, which is especially important in Hispanic communities." Through the program, families participate in cohorts, encouraging intergenerational involvement and creating a safe space to learn valuable computer skills. Families gain familiarity with the digital tools needed to engage with and monitor their child's academic progress, empowering them to practice new skills together at home.

Alongside fostering a sense of community and belonging, the program is demonstrating measurable impact. Upon completion of the program, results show:

Over 90% of participants have increased confidence with technology.

Over 90% of participants feel comfortable using technology to learn new skills.

92% of participants feel comfortable using an electronic device to perform basic computer functions (e.g., email, office applications, etc.).

"As someone who immigrated to the U.S. from Venezuela, I am incredibly proud of our partnership with LNESC and our shared passion to create sustainable economic opportunities for underserved communities," said Antonio Escalona, SVP, Emerging Business at PepsiCo Foods North America. "Putting people and their experiences at the forefront is essential to our business success. We take great pride in our efforts to enhance digital literacy, and we're excited to continue supporting this impactful initiative."

This newfound digital literacy opens doors to economic opportunities and enables parents to interact effectively with school officials and other community stakeholders. Participants are granted access to the vast world of opportunity available through technology, bridging the digital divide and enriching lives in previously unattainable ways.

"Continuing this partnership with PFNA means so much for our students and families," said LNESC Executive Director Richard Roybal. "Hearing stories from participants of how they've benefitted from these resources is what it's all about. Together, we're making a transformative impact on so many families, and we're excited for what's to come."

, © PepsiCo

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