Glass Industry News

Cartonplast Group has successfully completed ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 certification at its French location in Dagneux

, Cartonplast Group

This Certification confirms, that the company, as a European leader for reusable transport packaging solutions on a rental basis, now provides a state of the art service to its customers in France

Dietzenbach, Germany, 08. October 2019 - On 3rd October 2019 Cartonplast France successfully completed the certification audits by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO 22000 and ISO 9001.

Cartonplast (CPL), the leading European supplier of reusable plastic layer pads (PLPs) on a rental basis has been certified in its French subsidiary Dagneux according to the international standard for food safety management system ISO 22000 and for quality management standard ISO 9001. This was a great effort from the whole local team in Dagneux, and we must also thank the other CPL subsidiaries for the generous cooperation we received.

„This is a big step forward for our company with another country providing the high and stable service standard”, explains Sebastian Brzozowski, Head of Quality Assurance at Cartonplast Group. Since 2017 CPL, with its headquarters in Dietzenbach, Germany, has also been operating its globally successful business model in France. The French service and logistics centre has successfully raised its hygienic standards to CPL's state of the art cleaning technology for the reprocessing of reusable PLPs.

The company has also successfully completed certification in all its subsidiaries worldwide in the field of quality management and internationally recognised food safety standard. For over thirty years, CPL has ensured a high food standard for its customers in the beverage, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. “We are proud of this certification because it is proof of our successful international quality development and also means great praise for the excellent performance of our employees”, emphasizes Michael Heikenfeld, the Chief Sales Officer and Managing Director of Cartonplast Group.

The global CPL food safety management system ensures stable and world-wide consistent service. The Quality management system with its risk based approach according to ISO 9001 guarantees customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of products and services. For container manufacturers (glass, cans, PET), these certifications guarantee them continuous food safety during transport. “Our most important goal is to guarantee food safety in our processes to our customers and partners here in France and at the same time to act in an environmentally friendly way in our work processes”, adds Julie Serraille, Supply Chain Manager of Cartonplast France. F

, © Cartonplast Group

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