Glass Industry News

Brilliance in terms of sustainability

, Swisspacer

The Platinum in Wiesbaden (Germany) shines with a pioneering building standard and highly transparent glass from Saint-Gobain Glass

Setting positive impulses in terms of sustainability was the declared aim of the new construction of the Hessen Agentur in Wiesbaden (Germany). All building materials used in the timber hybrid new build therefore had to meet the highest sustainability standards. The glass elements made of Saint-Gobain COOL-LITE SKN 183 solar control glass were supplied by CLIMAplusSECURIT network partner Glas Herzog from Waghäusl. Swisspacer spacer bars ensure optimum energy efficiency in the glazing edge.

The "Platinum" in Wiesbaden is already regarded as a flagship project for sustainable public-sector office buildings. A visible sign of this is the platinum pre-certificate from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). This is ensured using natural raw materials from the building envelope to the interior as well as an intelligent energy concept that ranges from renewable energy generation to climate-friendly mobility. The architecture combines a CO2-saving timber hybrid construction method with recyclable building materials. Great care was taken to furnish the offices with natural and user-friendly surfaces.

Leading example for public buildings in Hesse
With the timber-hybrid construction method, Neumann Architekten Frankfurt made full use of the structural strengths of timber, concrete and steel in the load-bearing structure. The timber-concrete composite ceilings alone required around 50 percent less concrete and around 35 percent less steel than reinforced concrete ceilings. The low weight of the entire timber construction made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the floor slab by 25 percent compared to the reinforced concrete construction. The planners were able to save more than 1,160 tons of CO2 equivalent thanks to this construction method.

First timber-hybrid office building in Wiesbaden
A key aspect in the choice of building materials used was their recyclability. Wood, glass and aluminum are all building materials that can be reused when the building is dismantled at a later date or can be recycled in a new life cycle. The Platinum also assumes its role model function as a climate-neutral building during operation. This is ensured by an ice storage system for heating and cooling and 1,300 square meters of solar modules on the façade and roof. The system produces around 150,000 kilowatts of electricity per year, which is actually more than is needed to operate the office building. Innovative new developments in the field of photovoltaics were used on the façade, which produce solar power efficiently despite the light color of the modules.

Visual comfort with the best features
High demands were also placed on the glazing of the window elements: The users in the six-storey office building had to enjoy a high level of thermal comfort and the best daylight at the same time. Another requirement for the triple solar control glazing was fall protection and sound insulation values of 46 and 41 dB respectively. The external reflection was not allowed to exceed 14 percent. CLIMAplusSECURIT partner Glas Herzog from Waghäusl opted for a design with COOL-LITE SKN 183 solar control glass in accordance with the catalog of requirements. The highly transparent glass not only ensures the best values for daylight yield, but also opens up new possibilities for energy management. With its optimum solar control values and an energy transmittance of 36 percent, it will significantly minimize the cooling loads in the office building.  

For the glass structure, COOL-LITE SKN 183 was combined with STADIP laminated safety glass for fall protection. STADIP SILENCE provides sound insulation and PLANITHERM XN thermal insulation. The high-quality Swisspacer Advance spacer bar stands for the best energy efficiency at the edge of the glass and supports sustainable window and façade construction with its excellent CO2 balance: The Swiss company is one of the few manufacturers of spacer bars to provide an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for all spacer bar widths. In total, more than 1,000 square meters of glass elements were supplied.

"We often have orders for large façade glazing, but this was the first time we used COOL-LITE SKN 183. Top thermal insulation, protective fall protection and efficient sound insulation - that's exactly what we want to sell," recalls Andreas Herzog, Managing Director at Glas Herzog GmbH: "It's a pleasure when you can use the high-quality glass with its top properties, especially in such an ambitious project."

, © Swisspacer

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