Glass Industry News

Blackstone signs deal to buy Piramal Glass

, Piramal Group / Blackstone
  • The deal includes an upfront payment of $850 million to Piramal
  • Piramal Group has completed another billion-dollar deal this year, already.

It is now officially confirmed that after a major race where also Bain Capital were involved, finally private equity major Blackstone has won the deal to acquire Piramal Group’s Piramal Glass for around $1 billion.

The deal includes an upfront payment of $850 million while Piramal Group will get approximately $150 million on achieving certain milestones, to be paid over 2 years.

Piramal Group had completed another billion dollar deal, when they had sold US-based DRG for around a billion dollars. Bloomberg Quint can be cited that In June, the group agreed to sell a 20% stake in its Piramal Pharma Ltd. arm to private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc. for $490 million, giving the business an enterprise value of $2.7 billion.

About Piramal:

Piramal Glass is a global specialist in design, production, and decoration of premium glass packaging. They are the largest specialty glass player in Asia and have been the fastest growing glass packaging company in the world for more than a decade. They are one of the only significant players from Asia with a very significant presence in the premium glass-packaging segment. Piramal Glass has a daily production of 1,475 tons of container glass packaging per day in its different facilities spread over India, Sri Lanka and the USA and also operates facilities for decoration.

We have four manufacturing facilities; one in the USA, one in Sri Lanka, and two in India with an overall capacity of 1475 tonnes per day (TPD) with 12 furnaces and 65 production lines. We also design, produce and decorate specialized glass packaging for the global cosmetics, perfumery, skin-care, food, and beverage industry.

Kosamba, India

At Kosamba, India facility, we produce USP Type I, II, and III glass Bottles and Vials for the pharmaceutical industry, Type III glass bottles for Cosmetics & Perfumery industry, and also Feeder-Coloured bottles in various shades. Here we have a dedicated facility for Type-I borosilicate glass for moulded pharmaceutical glass packaging and a dedicated facility for premium Cosmetics & Perfumery glass bottles. Our in-house Decoration Unit, ANSA Deco Glass, is also present at this location.

Jambusar, India

At Jambusar, India facility, we have one of the world’s largest single installed capacities for pharmaceutical packaging in amber-glass. In this facility, we produce Type III amber-glass bottles and vials pharmaceutical industry. And Type III flint bottles for the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics & Perfumery, and Specialty Food & Beverage industry.

Park Hills, USA

At Park Hills, USA facility, we produce Type III flint bottles, for the Cosmetics & Perfumery and Specialty Food & Beverage industry. There is an infrastructure to produce Feeder-Coloured bottles in various shades. All lines have inspection machines and hot and cold end coating facilities. We have in-house mould design and manufacturing workshop. The glass bottle decoration facility is located at Williamstown, New Jersey.

Horana, Sri Lanka

At Horana, Sri Lanka facility, we produce Type III flint and amber glass bottles for the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics & Perfumery, and Specialty Food & Beverage industry. There is an infrastructure to produce Feeder-Coloured bottles in various shades and a dedicated in-house glass bottle printing facility in this facility.

, © Piramal Group / Blackstone

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