Glass Industry News

Bespoke metal detection solutions provided for glass & PVC recycling

, Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd

Manufacturing industries are continuously looking for methods of refining their production process. Eriez Europe has recently supplied an E-Z Tec 9000 R Metal Detector with Pneumatic Reject System to be utilised by a customer that manufactures glass beads, used to increase durability and anti-skid and reflective properties in road markings.  

Despite this application, the bespoke design can be adapted to apply to many other industries and this project is an example of the effectiveness of such innovation.  The installation of this metal detector has facilitated the extraction of metal contaminants from their process line; which in turn protects the machinery, saving time and resources, alongside the immeasurable value of a higher quality end-product. 


E-Z Tec 9000 R Metal Detector with Pneumatic Reject System


Following decades of market-leading metal detection solutions, Eriez Europe was selected to commission a detector that fit these specialised requirements. Additionally, the glass production was monitored on site by Eriez representatives to ensure the most effective design was implemented. Eriez Europe was confident to present the E-Z Tec 9000 R Metal Detector, in combination with the Pneumatic Reject System, as the most practical solution as it excelled the detection requirement needed with its capacity for a high level of sensitivity and detection of small contamination. Providing the E-Z Tec 9000 R with the Pneumatic Reject System on the conveyor specifically allows for the process to be continuous. The system supplied is a complete modular solution; working in line with the current glass processing applications on site. The installation will therefore not disrupt any current processing practices.


Pneumatic Reject System on the E-Z Tec 9000 R Metal Detector


When asked about this opportunity to supply a bespoke E-Z Tec 9000 R, Paul Hale, Metal Detection Sales Manager, commented “We were delighted upon receiving the enquiry and excited to get to work. The E-Z Tec 9000 R is ideal for glass processing as it will provide high levels of sensitivity and has the capacity to detect small levels of contamination. The added element of the pneumatic reject system on the conveyor will guarantee a continuous process, eliminating any stoppages”. 

However, this has not been the only recent success with the E-Z Tec 9000. The smaller E-Z Tec 9000 RD model, albeit still boasting the same detection capabilities, was supplied to detect metal contaminants in the recycling of PVC window frames. 



E-Z TEC 9000 RD  Metal Detector


Installations of E-Z Tec 9000 Metal Detectors with Pneumatic Reject Systems demonstrate Eriez Europe’s competency in providing custom products for metal detection requirements. Eriez Europe continues to work closely with various and diverse organisations to provide turnkey solutions to unique applications across a range of industries, delivering the best possible results in the detection of metal contaminants. 

, © Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd

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