Glass Industry News

BDF Industries’ Multi Direct Drive Gob Distributor: how to reduce the percentage of defects and make your process more efficient

, BDF Industries

The end quality of a glass container depends on the efficiency of the gob distributor and delivery system, consisting in a scoop-trough and deflector.

That is why BDF Industries has sought to improve its current technology, working to develop a faster and more consistent flow to improve gob delivery to the machine and guarantee high thermal consistency, all determining factors in ensuring the high quality of finished glass containers.

The Multi Direct Drive gob distributor constitutes one of the most important components in the BDF Industries Forming range of products: patented directly by the internal Technical Department in SG-DG-TG-QG configurations for all known machine types, it has been carefully designed and developed to offer glass producers high speed and superior quality performances.


The innovation was in fact inspired by the desire to introduce a more reliable, high-performing system into the market with respect to those currently available. Traditional gob distributors are renowned for presenting a number of difficulties when it comes to perfectly aligning the scoop and trough.
Many years of experience in the hollow glass market has allowed us to affirm that scoop-trough misalignment is often the cause of compromised solutions, which subsequently lead to less than optimal gob delivery.
The Multi Direct Drive gob distributor guarantees perfect and repetitive alignment between every single scoop and relative trough, for both central and outer sections. The transfer of gobs onto relative troughs is fluid and repetitive, thus eliminating energy losses due to impact and allowing a higher gob speed in the trough.

The unique and innovative Multi Direct Drive gob distributor by BDF is distinguished from those currently available in the market insofar as every single scoop is controlled by its own motor and direct drive system, without intermediate elastic elements: this means that every single scoop and its relative positioning is totally independent of the others.

Other defining and particularly appreciated features include entirely independent programming and the absolute repeatability of individual positions based on the selected and active recipe, guaranteed by each scoop’s direct drive and control system.

Another important element is the improved durability of components and therefore the reduced need for scheduled maintenance, due to the transmission of motion by way of pinion-racks in oil baths
The different technical features of the system not only make the process more fluid, but above all translate into important advantages for glass producers: first and foremost, a higher production speed and increased productivity, also thanks to a reduced number of defects, improved efficiency and reliability.

, © BDF Industries

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