Glass Industry News

Arglass Yamamura to build first U.S. glass plant in Lowndes County, creating over 150 new jobs

, Arglass Yamamura

Governor Brian P. Kemp today announced that Arglass Yamamura, LLC, a glass container manufacturing company, will create more than 150 jobs and invest $123 million to build its first glass container manufacturing plant in Valdosta, Lowndes County.

“As a result of our highly-trained workforce, unmatched logistics network, and pro-business climate, the Peach State has solidified itself as a top competitor for manufacturing investment in recent years. Without question, this announcement is a great addition to that success story,” said Governor Kemp. “This new facility will generate exciting opportunities for hardworking Georgians in Lowndes County and throughout the region, and we are grateful that Arglass Yamamura chose to begin operations here in Georgia.”

Arglass Yamamura noted Valdosta’s highly-skilled workforce, affordability, educational infrastructure and close proximity to markets along the East Coast as determining factors for its specialty manufacturing operations.  

“Georgia, specifically the Valdosta region, will allow us to run a very flexible, efficient, and cost-effective manufacturing operation, while remaining close to our customer base in the South and eastern parts of the United States,” said José de Diego-Arozamena, CEO of Arglass Yamamura. “We wish to thank local and state officials who have been instrumental in the site selection process and look forward to working with local businesses as we become an active member of the Valdosta community.”

The Valdosta facility will serve as the company’s first U.S. plant, creating glass products based on the company’s founding principles of flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability.

“We are pleased Arglass Yamamura has chosen to build their manufacturing facility in Lowndes County,” said Tom Call, former chairman of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority. “Arglass Yamamura will create more than 150 jobs in our area. We are looking forward to the opportunities that this new industry can bring to our local community and residents.”

“I am extremely pleased to welcome Arglass Yamamura to Lowndes County and into our diverse group of industries,” said Bill Slaughter, chairman of the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners. “Creating quality jobs for our residents is a top priority for local officials. We know that Arglass Yamamura is committed to outstanding corporate citizenship as it becomes a major employer in our community.”

Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) Director of Advanced Manufacturing Ashley Varnum represented the Global Commerce division in partnership with the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority and Georgia Power. 

“We are very excited to welcome Arglass Yamamura to Valdosta,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “This is an incredible win for the region, and with Valdosta’s prime accessibility – I am confident that all of the company’s needs will be met.”

, © Arglass Yamamura

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