Glass Industry News

Anniversary for the warm edge

, Swisspacer

The warm edge spacer bars from Swisspacer have ranked among the best on the international market for the past 25 years. On the occasion of its anniversary, the Swiss company presents its new look and logo.  

In the 1990s, companies and research institutions increasingly began turning their attention to energy-efficient construction products as a means to reducing heat loss in buildings. Their focus quickly settled on a small component in the glazing edge of insulating glass units – the spacer bar. From the outset, the term “warm edge” was intended to emphasise the improved thermal insulation these plastic spacer bars provided compared to conventional metal spacer bars. The warm edge has since become firmly established in the construction industry. Manufacturers like Swisspacer are to be thanked for that.

Founded 25 years ago, the Swiss company has developed into a driving force and innovation leader – which is also evident in the rapid growth in production capacities: “Since I joined in 2015, our output has almost doubled,” says Matthias Bach, who was appointed new CEO at Swisspacer in October. He continues: “For example, a simple, manageable production hall with materials stacked on the floor is today a highly efficient, heavily automated plant with a modern high-bay warehouse.”

New look and logo

To mark the company’s anniversary, the new Swisspacer logo appears fresh and self-confident: “The two vertical lines that frame our logo and the new colour choice are more than just graphic elements,” stresses Eunike Heil, Lead Brand Management at Swisspacer. “Simple and yet clear, they highlight the position and value added of our spacer bars – in the cavity between the panes, they make the difference between warm and cold, between indoors and outdoors.” The logo and colour choice simultaneously visualise the multifaceted nature of the company and its affiliation with the Saint-Gobain Group. The logo was officially presented at anniversary celebrations at the locations Gliwice/Poland and Kreuzlingen/Switzerland.  

Focused on a more sustainable future

The topic of sustainability will continue to concern the company in the future as well. “After all, reducing energy consumption is our core business,” says Sales and Marketing Manager Sarah Sattler. “We are one of the few manufacturers of spacer bars able to provide an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for all widths – making Swisspacer the clear benchmark in our industry when it comes to the carbon footprint. And that should remain the case.” 

Swisspacer also sees plenty of potential in the international arena: “The topic of climate change does not stop at national borders,” explains Peter Appel, New Market Development Director. In many places, Swisspacer is virtually synonymous with the warm edge. “We are seeing how many countries are looking to European specifications and local know-how with great interest. That provides great leverage for the entire industry and also for us with our commitment to Swiss quality.”

This focus needs combined forces, emphasises Matthias Bach: “Looking to the future, the decarbonisation of our industry is one of the biggest tasks. We are already returning waste into the production cycle and have many other targets in sight in precisely this direction. All of this is only possible with customers that challenge and motivate us to become even better, as well as a competent and highly motivated team like ours.”

, © Swisspacer

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