Glass Industry News

AGC´s Lacobel and Matelac glass range showcases its new colours

, AGC Glass Europe

Now more than ever before, painted glass inspires freedom and creativity in interior decoration. The new colours in the Lacobel and Matelac ranges were developed at the AGC Deco Academy, our European workshop that brought together for the first time AGC professionals and experts from the world of decoration.

The result: a palette of trendy colours – both glossy and matt – unique to AGC, along with four exclusive and inspiring lifestyle themes. 

A new palette for endless creative potential

In an effort to cover the colour spectrum and meet every need, AGC has added nine new glossy colours to its Lacobel painted glass range and five new colours to Matelac, its matt alter ego. Lacobel is now available in 24 colours and Matelac in 15 colours. These two ranges also share 10 common colours. Anything goes: combine high-gloss and matt, play with colours, juggle with contrast.

The four Lacobel and Matelac lifestyle themes

AGC's other major innovation is the creation of four lifestyle themes, each of which interprets different combinations of colours and the materials that go best with them. The goal? Making our expertise in glass and colour available to architects, designers and furniture manufacturers by providing them lifestyle themes that can inspire their customers.

  • Minimalist: Blue Ice, White Traffic, White Extrasoft... contemporary, subtle tones that blend seamlessly with stone and ceramic to create a feeling of space, calm and purity.
  • Natural: Pink Nude, Green Safari, White Pearl… earthy, natural colours combined with natural wood or cork for a warm, harmonious environment.
  • Traditional: Blue Vintage, Green Artichoke and of course our exclusive Silver colours… rich, classic colours and refined accents that can be enhanced with noble materials such as dark woods and marble for the perfect fusion of modernity, intimacy and elegance.
  • Vibrant: Yellow Yuzu, Orange Tangerine, Green Teal… intense, luminous tones that pop when matched with coloured resin or concrete, delivering total originality.

MyColour by Lacobel/Matelac: custom colours

MyColour by Lacobel/Matelac is an exclusive AGC service specifically for architects and decoration professionals, who can use it to create a custom colour that perfectly matches their design.

One-stop shop for all your products and services

Solutions for every stage – from selecting the glass to final installation – all from just one supplier? AGC provides a full selection of high-end, added-value products and services: a wide range of decorative glass products, glass bonding and cleaning solutions, cutting-edge technical support, an efficient distribution network, certified processors, AGC Deco Partners and rigorous quality control as well as all the environmental  certifications.

, © AGC Glass Europe

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