Glass Industry News

AGC to showcase at CES 2024 cutting-edge glass solutions for mobility revolution


AGC, a global leader in glass, chemicals and high-tech materials for the mobility industry is excited to announce its second appearance at CES 2024. More than 20 cutting-edge solutions will be on display, helping to bring connectivity, sensor integration and passenger comfort to the next level in the mobility revolution. 

AGC, in operation for over a century, is re-envisioning the future of vehicle glass enabling glass transition from being a simple barrier around the vehicle in the past, to becoming a multi-functional interface for the future. As the market focuses on ensuring safety for drivers in the race towards autonomy and self-driving, the industry's interest grows in mounting sensors, enhanced connectivity performances, disruptive car design and driving comfort. Aligned with market trends, our booth will showcase unique on-glass integrated solutions for mobility at booth 6667 in 3 major areas.

The connectivity area:   
An innovative automotive antenna product, seamlessly merging aesthetics with top-tier connectivity and energy efficiency, will make its debut at CES 2024. Its design emphasizes easy integration and optimal performance, catering to the modern demands of vehicle connectivity. This advancement is expected to redefine standards in vehicle design and functionality, marking a significant milestone in the automotive industry.
In addition, AGC and Halo.Car, an innovative Las Vegas-based EV driverless car service, will demonstrate a new solution incorporating AGC’s 5G glass antennas expertise. Compatible with all frequencies of 5G, this elegant solution allows points of connectivity all around the vehicle, improving V2V and V2X communications while minimizing communication drops.  

The detecting area: 
While the market is looking to integrate high-position sensors on the vehicle mainly in roof or windshield, Wideye is delighted to unveil two integrations: 
The first is a fully new concept of integrating a LiDAR into the roof, in the form of a unique shaped glass. The result is visually innovative as the integration is seamless, preserving the vehicle's sleek lines. The concept will give OEM design teams a new perception, paving the way to improve lidar roof integration and solve its numerous challenges. 
The second is an in-cabin sensor integration, featuring a high Field of View Lidar co-integrated with multiple cameras behind the windshield. The latter, foreseen as the future of LiDAR integration, is an appealing design, coping with latest integration requirements in terms of form factor, performance, and reliability.

The comfort area: 
Glass is the perfect match when it comes to blending aesthetics and functional elements for interiors and cockpits revamping. This year, our cover glass for displays, which is a staple in the Mobility sector, is getting a major enhancement to reach a breakthrough for upcoming developments. AGC is at the forefront of new and disruptive HMI technologies of display integration within cockpits: windscreen and blade display showcased by FeelInGlass® and P-Displays.
In addition, for CES 2024, AGC is debuting large, curved displays with Anti-reflective and fingerprint-resistant coatings. All along the event, our Reeflect® Prototyping experts will be there to discuss your market projects, from a single sample to a small series, challenging the latest innovations & technologies of Automotive glazing.

“At AGC, we firmly believe that glass and performance chemicals permeate  every aspect of your living environment, enabling us to drive innovation across all domains with our cutting-edge technology,” said Hideyuki Kurata, CTO. “We have been refining core technologies such as material technology, functional design, and production technology since its foundation. Our advanced materials and solutions will be showcased at CES, and we aim to drive innovation in the next generation of mobility. We invite you to experience them firsthand at our booth."

Meet us at Booth 6667 in LVCC West Hall Vehicle Tech & Advanced Mobility. AGC representatives and executives will be there to demonstrate the technologies and answer any question.


, © AGC

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