Glass Industry News

AGC Glass Europe announces new low-carbon glass range

, AGC Glass

To contribute to a sustainable world, AGC Glass Europe is committed to developing products that promote sustainable development, and to reducing the environmental impact of its production processes. Today, the Group is taking its sustainable approach one step further as it announces a new glass range with a significantly reduced carbon footprint, to be launched by the end of 2022. Details will be provided at a press conference at glasstec 2022 in Düsseldorf in September.

As part of its roadmap to carbon neutrality, AGC is focusing on switching to new key technologies, sustainable raw materials, alternative energies and increased glass recycling to avoid process-related as well as indirect emissions. Following advanced testing and successful production trials, the company will be producing a new low-carbon glass range, with the possibility of delivering the first orders by the end of 2022.

AGC’s roadmap to carbon neutrality

AGC has already announced its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050 and its interim target to reduce direct and indirect CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030*. The roadmap for achieving this goal as well as reducing indirect CO2 emissions includes a raft of actions for the coming years, based on an integrated approach – from research and development, sourcing and production, moving through the entire supply chain and transportation, and closing the loop according to the Cradle to Cradle approach.

“Achieving carbon neutrality requires a holistic transformation of our glass production,” says Davide Cappellino, President of AGC Architectural Glass Europe & Americas Company. “This ranges from sourcing and using sustainable raw materials and increasing cullet content, to the way the glass is melted using new technologies, alternative energies and a growing share of renewable electricity – without overlooking the design and use of our products to optimise the climate benefits they bring during their lifetime.”

First low-carbon glass range

The implementation of combined measures at several recently upgraded furnaces has made it possible to reduce the carbon footprint of part of the Group’s production. “I am very proud to announce that, with our continued progress in decarbonisation, AGC will launch its first low-carbon glass product range by the end of 2022,” says Cappellino. “This represents a key milestone in our roadmap to carbon neutrality.”

, © AGC Glass

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