Glass Industry News

AGC and Helexia implement one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic self-consumption plants in Spain


AGC Flat Glass Ibérica, in collaboration with Helexia España, announces the commissioning of a 4,600 kilowatts photovoltaic plant for self-consumption on an industrial site at the Port of Sagunto (Valencia). The plant has 8,800 photovoltaic modules covering 48,400 square meters of the rooftop, the equivalent of 10 football fields. With an annual production of 7 gigawatt hours, this project will help to avoid the emission of more than 800 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

A global leader in the glass industry, AGC is at the forefront of developing products with the highest environmental quality and seeks to use technologies and manufacturing processes that minimize its impact. The Group considers Sustainability as a fundamental part of its Corporate Social Values and a prerequisite in all its activities. AGC aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and has set a transitional target of 30% reduction in GHG emissions and a 50% reduction in GHG emissions per unit of sales by 2030 (total of Scope 1, 2 and 3; reductions based on the levels of 2019) by using, among other things, energy efficiency solutions and increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy consumption of its production facilities.

In line with this vision, AGC Flat Glass Ibérica, a subsidiary of AGC, has partnered with Helexia to take advantage of the photovoltaic potential of its largest industrial unit in Spain, which is dedicated to the production of float glass. The photovoltaic power plant, designed and implemented by Helexia España, has been efficiently installed onto the rooftop. Thanks to state-of-the-art components and optimized use of the energy produced, AGC will significantly reduce its dependence on conventional energy sources, strengthening its environmental commitment and reducing its costs. This is the second photovoltaic installation carried out by Helexia for an AGC plant in Spain. The first was a 210-kilowatt plant installed in 2020 at AGC’s Pedragosa unit (Barcelona). 

Active in Spain since 2019, Helexia has already commissioned 25 projects, five of which are located in the Valencian Community, and has a portfolio of more than 100 megawatt to be developed in the coming years throughout the country. Between now and 2027, the group will continue to invest more than 1.5 billion euros to support its customers in their energy transition in Europe, with Spain being one of the priority markets.

“We are proud to collaborate with AGC for the development, construction, and operation of this second and even more ambitious project in Spain. We are aware of AGC's commitment to a sustainable economy and today is an important step in accelerating its energy transition. Our mission is to support our clients in reaching their financial and environmental  goals, helping them to consume less and better energy”, says Etienne Le Pargneux, Country Director of Helexia Spain.

Davide Cappellino, President of AGC Architectural Glass Europe and Americas: "We are taking another important step towards climate neutrality. Together with our partner Helexia, we are tapping into the potential of using as much renewable electricity as possible, as part of AGC's roadmap towards glass production with lower carbon footprint”.

, © AGC

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