Glass Industry News


, LiSEC GmbH

LiSEC is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2021, looking back on a successful, eventful history. For six decades, the company has provided innovative individual and complete solutions in flat glass processing and finishing.

It’s the future that LiSEC is really focused on, however. Many events are planned for this year that we hope will come to fruition in observance of all safety guidelines during the persistent pandemic.


In 1961, Peter Lisec founded Glastechnische Industrie PETER LISEC as a sole proprietorship. Even in those days, the master workshop worked according to its own ideas. The operation mainly concentrated on forming and processing acrylic glass sheets, mirror production and glass grinding. Factory production of insulating glass started in 1966. During this phase, small-volume manufacturing of machines and technical aids began, based on in-house expertise, for manufacturing the aforementioned products. In 1968 came development and patenting of a proprietary system for the technology of a new product, “Insulating Glass”, with its own trademark. Ten years later, a second plant was constructed at the current site of GLASTECH Verfahrensentwicklungs- und Produktions GmbH. In 1989, LiSEC became an all-around provider and developed into the leader in the worldwide market. LiSEC Maschinenbau GmbH, in Seitenstetten, was founded in 1993. In 2007, LiSEC won the Austrian Innovation Award for its revolutionary flat-bed glass tempering process. In 2015, the LiSEC Competency Centre of GLASTECH Verfahrensentwicklungs- und Produktions GmbH was opened in Hausmening. Three years later, Gottfried Brunbauer and Oliver Pichler took the helm of the company. LiSEC was honoured in 2019 as Lower Austria’s best company for families.


The customer has been the focus of all the company’s activities since its founding. LiSEC experts support their customers from the very beginning and accompany them on their way: From competent advice, to construction of high-quality systems with innovative software, to efficient after-sales service, customers can always rely on LiSEC. For the future as well, LiSEC places the highest priority on finding optimal solutions for its customers.


China Glass – 6 to 9 May 2021

LiSEC will start its 60th year by participating in the glass industry’s largest trade show in the Asia-Pacific region: China Glass from 6 to 9 May 2021 in Shanghai.

LiSEC Campus: Anniversary edition – 15 to 17 June 2021

The virtual LiSEC Campus will again open its doors from 15 to 17 June 2021. This will be exciting for visitors, because the Campus will have a new look and new content. Special attention will be drawn to innovations in mechanical engineering and software. In addition to interesting theme days and expert interviews, there will be a live look into the innovative highlights of this online trade show. Register here:

GlassBuild America – 13 and 15 September 2021

LiSEC will also be a presence at GlassBuild America, in Atlanta. The international exhibition for glass, windows and doors will take place between 13 and 15 September 2021.

Anniversary event “Celebrating First Glass” – 23 September 2021

Subject to feasibility after the COVID-19 situation, LiSEC plans to celebrate is 60th anniversary at the Seitenstetten site on 23 September 2021. On this day it will offer customers a chance to look live at the latest innovations, but also provide a visit to our own production facility at GLASTECH Verfahrensentwicklungs- und Produktions GmbH. An evening gala, complete with event program, will also take place in Seitenstetten.

Vitrum – 5 to 8 October 2021

LiSEC will also take part in Vitrum, which runs 5 to 8 October 2021. The international trade show for the glass industry will take place in Milan and offers a framework for further innovation in processing.



After a successful start to the year — with record incoming orders in February to the tune of €30 million — LiSEC is looking toward the future. Investment subsidies in many countries and the positive market dynamics in the building industry mean that customers are very ready to invest. LiSEC’s position as the world’s largest provider of machines and systems for flat glass processing is to be expanded further in coming years. LiSEC stands for first-class machines and systems, and for complete integrated solutions, including software, along the full process chain of flat glass processing for windows, façades and architecture, including solutions derived from our product portfolio for the display glass market. With this program and our global best-in-class after-sales network, LiSEC is the all-round partner for our customers. “In our 60th anniversary year, but also for the future, our highest goal is to deliver on our promises to the customer. We plan to win people over with our capabilities as an all-in-one solution and our innovative product and service portfolio. We will also make customers’ production processes and performance more efficient through digitization and greater automation. In this way, we will make a significant contribution to our customers’ long-term success,” says Oliver Pichler, the CFO of LiSEC.

, © LiSEC GmbH

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Glass studies

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Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

Weitere Datenbanken mit demoskopischen Daten und Import- und Exportdaten komplettieren die Marktinformationen. Basierend auf allen Datenbanken können Sie eigenständig Länderprofile mit Angaben zur gesamten lokalen Produktionskapazität, zur lokalen Marktgröße und die zu erwartende Marktgröße in der Zukunft erstellen.

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