Glass Industry News

31st China Glass Exhibition comes to a successful conclusion

, Chinese Ceramic Society

Organized by the Chinese Ceramic Society, the 31st China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its many related uncertainties.

The event brought new opportunities to the entire industry and demonstrated confidence and vitality to the global glass industry.

China Glass helped enhance technological innovation and trade circulation of the industry, while providing more opportunities for domestic circulation of the glass industry and promoting domestic and international cooperation.

In these ways the exhibition contributes China’s strength toward the recovery and growth of the global glass industry.

Extra-large scale: the industry’s preferred exhibition platform
A total of 900 manufacturers from 23 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, with an exhibition area of 90,000m2.

The number of professional visitors to the exhibition was 40,826, which demonstrated how China Glass is the first choice platform for domestic and foreign industry manufacturers to expand trade and technical exchanges.

The exhibition products covered the whole chain of the glass industry including: glass production, new energy glass and TFT glass, glass fusion moulding technology and equipment, high-quality refractory materials, glass raw materials and complexes preparation technology and equipment, glass deep processing technology and equipment, energy saving and environmental protection glass technology and equipment.

Smart manufacturing leads green development
Compared with previous exhibitions, the 31st China Glass exhibition prominently featured green technology, low energy consumption equipment, digitalization technology and intelligent manufacturing.

A large number of related fields of products were showed on the event stage. Ultra-white glass, ultra-thin glass and flexible glass, which are used in photovoltaic industry and intelligent terminal field, have become a major technical highlight of this exhibition.

Triumph Group showed the world’s most advanced 30 micron flexible foldable glass, 0.12mm thin electronic touch glass and high quality 5.0 neutral borosilicate medical glass for vaccines.

China Building Materials Academy brought key materials for fingerprint recognition under the smartphone screens, and Southern Glass Group showed the latest generation of high-end touch display lithium-aluminium silicate glass cover plate developed using float process.

As the largest professional exhibition in the global glass industry in 2021, China Glass Expo has always adhered to the concept of a large-scale, international and professional exhibition, overcoming the double pressure of the industry downturn and the impact of the epidemic.

As the theme activity of 2022 UN International Year of Glass, China Glass 2022 will be held at Shanghai on April 13th.

The global glass industry will again focus on Shanghai and the organizers look forward to meeting again with every industry colleagues.

, © Chinese Ceramic Society

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