Glass Industry News

20% sales growth recorded by IRIS Inspection machines

, Iris Inspection Machines

It has been an exceptional year for French inspection solutions specialist IRIS Inspection machines, recording an impressive 20% improvement in sales for 2019. Growing global demand for the company’s non-contact glass container inspection technology has required manufacturing capacity to be doubled during the final quarter at IRIS headquarters on the outskirts of Lyon. This expansion has been made possible by the acquisition of additional premises and the relocation of production/assembly operations last year and by hiring additional, multi-lingual engineers.

At the heart of this significant business increase is the success achieved for NEO EVO5 and EVO12 inspection machines in recent months. This Industry 4.0-compatible equipment has received widespread glass industry acceptance, generating multiple orders, in particular from European and Latin American glass packaging producers. Already, 320 machines are running NEO software throughout the world, with excellent customer feedback generated for the innovative defect approach adopted. Glassmakers are particularly impressed by the technology’s accuracy and user-friendliness.

The equipment delivers valuable features that help glass container producers to save time during the manufacturing process. Every setting has been designed to be handled by the machine itself, making the equipment less dependent on human operators. Evolution NEO recognises the article and its exact shape, automatically drawing the inspection zone. This simplifies job changes and reduces the human error factor. The equipment allows operators to follow defect rejection rates, while also bringing their immediate attention to the most significant information analysed by the machine. In addition, within its statistical tools, Evolution NEO integrates a helpful set of different data, including time, mould number, images etc.

In total, there are now more than 1400 operational IRIS inspection machines in the field, with NEO designs increasingly specified as the equipment of choice.


A subsidiary of the Wisetec Group, IRIS Inspection machines was established to provide turnkey inspection solutions for mass-produced glass containers of any shape or colour, including wine, beer, liquor and Champagne bottles, pharmaceuticals and food containers. A team of dedicated Research and Development engineers has evolved a range of equipment to match the industry's demanding requirements and satisfy the inspection needs of key international customers.

The company has based its development on a long-term partnership with glassmakers in the field of glass defects detection, as well as on an exceptional knowhow in the most innovative vision technologies. The success of IRIS is due not only to the exceptional efficiency of its Evolution machines range but also to the excellent support provided by engineers worldwide. Thanks to a network of international agents and technical support service centres, IRIS is able to support customers throughout Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australia.

Further information about the turnkey glass container inspection solutions available from IRIS Inspection machines is available from

, © Iris Inspection Machines

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