
MSK delivers cold end for Bastürk Cam

MSK has delivered the complete cold end including controls and assembly from one source to the Bastürk Cam glass plant in Malatya, Turkey. 

Production started at the beginning of January 2018. The cold end includes the connection of the lehr with three bottle conveyor lines, palletizers, shrink wrapping system, and pallet conveyors. It has already been designed for extension by an additional furnace.

Full-service supplier with experience

At glasstec 2016, the Turkish manufacturer Bastürk Cam placed an order with MSK for delivery of the complete cold end for its new glass production plant in Malatya. The decades of experience and leading know-how of the full-service cold end provider MSK was one of the decisive factors for the glass production newcomer. The cold end was designed for an existing building structure and started up less than a year later. MSK ensured the best-possible communication with the project owners at Bastürk Cam with a Turkish-speaking project management team at MSK and Turkish-speaking on-site assembly team in Turkey.

MSK delivered all the equipment for the cold end starting from the lehr all the way to the pallet packaging from one source and as a turnkey installation. This helped rule out several component interfaces as error sources and network the entire system with a uniform control software.

One source from lehr to packaging

Production at Bastürk Cam started on schedule in January 2018 with the start-up of the first lehr. The produced bottles and jars are transported on three bottle conveyor lines through the inspection area to the palletizers. MSK bottle conveyor systems are made in-house from stainless steel and premium components to ensure a long life and, like all MSK machines, are controlled uniformly by the same MSK software EMSY. The three installed palletizers MSK Triotech are equipped with the universal palletizing head MSK Unitech. This allows for the flexible production of the various glass products in Malatya with the same palletizing head without downtimes for job changes. The palletizing stations are supplied by a central dressing line with two pallet formats.

After palletizing, pallet conveyors and a mobile MSK pallet shuttle car transport the glass pallets fully automatically to the shrink-wrapping line MSK Multitech, where they are film-wrapped and thus protected on all six sides for storage and transportation.  The full, unabridged article will appear in the June printed issue of Glass International.

MSK is exhibiting at China Glass, in Beijing, China between May 22 - 25 in hall E1, booth 195, in the German Pavilion.

15.05.2019, MSK

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