

Überschrift Job opportunity
Anzeige vom 08.11.2013
Chiffre-Nr. # CH1138251

Derzeitige Position

Beruf Job change manager
Branche Produktion (kaltes Ende)
im Bereich Planning of job changes hot end and cold end.
in dieser Position seit 2010
Teamverantwortung Yes
geführte Teamgröße Yes
Erfahrung im Ausland No
Sprachkenntnisse English
Alter 38

Gewünschte Position

Position Production, job changes or cold end.
im Bereich Production
Gehaltswunsch Negotiable
Arbeitszeit Vollzeit
Land / Region South Africa
Verfügbarkeit ? (auch im Ausland ) Yes
Frühester Eintrittstermin Any time


Good day. My name is Wimpie Gresse I am currently workinh for Consol Glass Clayville we manufacture beer containers. I have been working in this industry just over 10 years. I started out as a technician on the insplection side and was promoted to cold end supervisor and was responsible for inspection and packaging.I am a qualified electrician with a red seal and was ask to be the manager for the electrical depatment.. I am currently working as a job change manager.