HORN supplies oxyfuel furnace to Orora
HORN supplies oxyfuel furnace to Orora
At the end of January 2025, the Australian glass manufacturer has fired up a glass melting furnace for high quality wine bottles at its Gawler, South Australia, facility.
Glass melting technology specialist HORN carried out the design, supply and cold repair works of Orora´s new 475 t/d oxyfuel furnace which is one of Australia’s most sustainable wine glass furnaces. The existing recuperative furnace was replaced and converted into a most modern and environmentally friendly oxy – gas heated furnace which will deliver even more sustainable glass containers with less carbon footprint.
HORN and Orora are excited to have taken the next important steps regarding sustainable glass production and C02 reduction by delivering and using a low carbon oxyfuel furnace technology.
05.03.2025, Horn-Glass Industries
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