HORN to build 300 tpd solar glass line
HORN to build 300 tpd solar glass line
As one of the industry leaders in the implementation of turn-key projects, HORN was awarded the contract for the supply of a brand-new end fired solar glass furnace by Glass Technology. The new 300 t/d line will be equipped with the latest HORN technology and is designed to produce low-iron solar glass with Anti Reflective Coating. The glass factory will be set up from scratch in the United Arab Emirates on a surface of 10 ha.
In this greenfield solar glass project, the HORN planning staff is responsible for everything, from the supply of raw materials over hot end, up to the cutting line and storage technology. The solar glass production plant is equipped with the full processing technology for Front and Back Glass of Solar Panels. HORN is also responsible for the complete technology of the factory using state of the art engineering solutions.
In the second half of 2025, the solar glass line will already be operational.
Check out the full article here:
18.02.2025, Horn-Glass Industries
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