Auer Lighting relies on advanced technology from HORN
As a subsidiary of HORN, JSJ Jodeit received an order from Auer Lighting for a new 20 t/d hybrid furnace for its plant in Bad Gandersheim. The order included the furnace for the production of borosilicate glass with three forehearths and a transition to existing forehearths.
To support both the melting process and the refining of the glass, several additional electric boosting systems (HORN E-Fusion Power Boosting) are installed in the bottom of the melting tank. This means that the maximum pull rate can be melted particularly flexibly with both 100% fossil energy and up to approx. 30% electrical energy.
With the commissioning of the new all electric glass melting furnace, another important step has been taken towards production with lower CO2 emissions. This hybrid furnace is an example of adapting to changing market requirements while at the same time improving performance. The furnace operator can now react extremely flexibly to energy price fluctuations by shifting the proportion of electrical energy while maintaining the same high glass quality.
14.01.2025, Horn-Glass Industries
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