Largest End Fired Furnace supplied by HORN – 185.4 m²
HORN has completed its biggest End Fired Furnace project in the company´s history with Turkish glass manufacturer Baştürk Cam Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. In June 2021, glass melting technology specialist HORN was contracted to build a 560 t/d End Fired Furnace for Bastürk Cam in Malatya, Turkey. The order for Furnace B was placed in 2021, but due to the tragic earthquake in 2023, the project had to be delayed for a while.
With a melting surface of 185.4 m², the furnace is designed for melting capacity of 560 tpd and includes six forehearths for the production of container glass. Heating of the furnace will be effected by means of Natural Gas or Back-up Diesel oil burners.
In this greenfield project, HORN’s scope of supply included the engineering of the Refractory and Steel structure, the Combustion System, Boosting System, Measuring and Control equipment, a HVR®️ 600F batch charger (650 tpd. feeding capacity) developed by HORN, NIR Furnace Camera, supervision of erection, heat-up and commissioning.
In June 2024, the new end fired furnace, which produces container glass in the colour Flint, was finally successfully commissioned and on 2nd June 2024 we celebrated the first glass.
To good glass all the time!
27.06.2024, HORN
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