Takeover of the premium supplier for speciality glass furnaces
HORN® Glass Industries AG has acquired the Melting Technology Division of JSJ Jodeit GmbH with effect from 1st April 2021.
Since its foundation in 1991, JSJ Jodeit GmbH has been a successful supplier of technology and equipment for the production of high-quality speciality glasses. A strategic decision! With the know-how gained, HORN® is now expanding its own competences in the field of electrically heated and gas-oxygen heated melting plants for technical and specialty glasses - true to the motto "Innovation engineered in Germany". At the same time, HORN® is preparing itself for the challenges of the energy transition.
Furthermore, synergies are being exploited: Sales will be handled jointly by HORN® Glass Industries AG. In addition, the production of high-quality components will take place in the HORN® workshops at the Plößberg site.
The business units of JSJ Jodeit GmbH that were not sold, such as special and small melting units, melting technology services, heat treatment plants, glass tube production lines as well as plants for the chemical strengthening of glass, will continue to be managed by Dr Harald Jodeit at the Jena-Maua site. In addition, in order to bundle and strengthen activities, Glamaco GmbH in Coswig, Saxony, which belongs to the Jodeit Holding, will be merged with all its business areas into the company in Jena and will continue to operate in future under the name Glamaco GmbH at the two locations in Jena and Coswig.
12.03.2021, HORN® Glass Industries AG
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