Expansion of new building wing at the headquarters of Horn Glass Industries is progressing
At the moment, the workers are smoothly plastering the inside and outside of the masonry and completing the electrical installation.
The latter is a novelty at HORN as all components in the building will have a digital accessibility. Whether lighting, heating, blinds, locking and alarm systems, everything can be controlled digitally.
Even subsequent conversions within the building are easily possible.
Another important fact: the system is not cooled by air conditioning, but by component activation. Pre-installed pipes with cold water cool the rooms without draught or noise. The integrated ventilation system ensures a pleasant room climate thanks to constant but unobtrusive air circulation.
60 employees will find a new vocational home in the complex. Smaller office units, fitted for 2-3 people, instead of open-plan offices enable the teams to create an inspiring and productive working atmosphere. The project is scheduled to be finished by mid of 2020.
14.05.2020, Horn Glass Industries
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