BDF E.A.G.L.E. 3.1 AIR
The system BDF E.A.G.L.E. 3.1 AIR Enhanced Absolute Glass Level (patented) allows to measure the glass level through the optical reflection of a fixed pointer mounted out of contact with glass.
Innovative and technologically advanced, the new release 3.1 introduces a new operator interface, a new cooling system of the CFD Proven camera case and a new method for making a reflection in the glass. The new system through sophisticated vision algorithms can be used without the physical reference of the probe.
BDF E.A.G.L.E. AIR 3.1 acquires and processes the images through an advanced and sophisticated algorithms controller using artificial vision inside the fan-less computer. The real and virtual pointer-reflected images are acquired at high frequency enabling to establish the actual level of glass with high revolution of one pixel.
Thanks to this technology, it is possible to reach a resolution of +/- 0.1 mm.
New E.A.G.L.E. AIR 3.1 features
- Measurement from -15 to + 15 mm (depends on the final tuning)
- Optical resolution +/- 0,1 mm
- Image elaboration up to 30 frames/sec
- Measuring interval 1 sec
- Measurement possible without a probe
- Only air cooled (maximum air consumption 400 slpm)
- Glass level measuring with 4-20 ma analog output signal
- Process alarms and system alarms with free contact digital output signal
- Remote control for data sharing and support assistance
28.06.2021, BDF Industries/Glass Online
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