Meet GINO-AKA at glasstec at booth 14 A 33
GINO-AKA is your global market challenger for thyristor power controllers and complete heating solutions for annealing lehr and tin bath roof furnaces.
We design and manufacture off-the-shelf and customized power controllers. Our state-of-the-art range of power controllers are dedicated to the glass industry since more than 30 years: from the very original Gradathy to the latest AKGRAD32 Profinet range of products.
Availability for the whole AC range from 10A to 2500A, 1kW to 1000kW, 20-480V or 460-690V, 1-Phase, 2-Phases, 3-Phases, 3P+N models, auto adjust inside 50-60Hz range.
Our well-known benefits: units are configured and tested before delivery, easy to install and no headache during commissioning!
Our latest firmware GT3.6 offers an impressive power regulation with +/-0.1% accuracy, which drives all resistor loads smoothly with dedicated smart firing modes (SiC, MoSi², Infrared, Inductive, constant, etc.).
Guillaume Lestriez will be available at booth 14 A 33 of PM Automation JSC
PM Automation was created with the idea of becoming the independent engineering department of PM Electrical. The key to success is followed by hard work, clear mind and honest heart. If you want to learn more about our journey from PM Electrical to PM Automation.
04.10.2024, GINO-AKA
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