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3 pc. IS machine 6-section, EF 4 1/4, glass forming machine, is-machine , is section , bottle produc

Datum 05.02.2025
Anzeigentyp zum Verkauf
Kategorie Maschinen, Produktion (Maschinen)
Hersteller EMHART, Heye or BDF
Type / Seriennr. EF 4 1/4
Standort Germany
Kurzbeschreibung Used 6-section electronic IS-machines type EF 4 1/4". The maschines are from EMHART, Emhart with last rebuild by Heye and BDF. We have also many variable IS-machine parts like Delivery equipment, Baffle-, Funnel-, Blowhead-, Neckring- and Take-Out-arms for sale. There are also Feeder mechanisms 81 and 144 as well as electronic Timing- and motor drive-systems from Emhart, Futronic, GPS and Bottero available.


Used 6-section electronic IS-machines type EF 4 1/4". The maschines are from EMHART, Emhart with last rebuild by Heye and BDF. We have also many variable IS-machine parts like Delivery equipment, Baffle-, Funnel-, Blowhead-, Neckring- and Take-Out-arms for sale. There are also Feeder mechanisms 81 and 144 as well as electronic Timing- and motor drive-systems from Emhart, Futronic, GPS and Bottero available.

Dateien & Bilder

Bild Beschreibung Type Size  
P9090140-k.jpg JPG 150.434 byte open
P9090149-k.jpg JPG 233.884 byte open
20171023125244-0112.jpg JPG 171.897 byte open
20171023125418-0952.jpg JPG 101.244 byte open
20171023125427-0009.jpg JPG 145.948 byte open
20171023125645-0203.jpg JPG 175.281 byte open
20171023125738-0573.jpg JPG 249.824 byte open
20171023130046-0528.jpg JPG 156.189 byte open
20171023130115-0136.jpg JPG 198.584 byte open
20171023131407-0787.jpg JPG 50.267 byte open
CIMG6061-k.jpg JPG 265.798 byte open

Preis & Lieferung

Lieferung, Transport EXW or according your needs

Kontakt Info

Firma Siegler Hohlglasservice
Anschrift Wiesenfurt 45a
97833 Frammersbach
0049 9355 7163
0049 9355 7597
Ansprechpartner Herr Alfred Siegler