The countdown to the 4th edition of Industrial Print Integration (IPI) conference is on! Join us on 12-13 November 2025 in Düsseldorf-Neuss for two days of groundbreaking insights and networking opportunities. First inspiring speakers include: University of Cambridge with cutting-edge research in inkjet applications, Prio Optics and IamFluidics as innovative start-ups, and Jon Harper Smith from Smithers with global market trends you need to know. Plus, for the first time, we’re opening the stage to technology users! Hear real-world user cases from CCL Design, C-Marx, and SPGPrints, with more to be announced soon.
The IPI networking arena is filling up fast, with 25 leading technology suppliers already on board. Want to connect with an international audience of machine builders, integrators, engineers, chemists, printers, researchers, and innovators? Book your tabletop by the end of March to enjoy early bird exhibitor rates!
Delegates can also take advantage of early bird registration fees until the end of June. Don’t miss out on our new pricing structure, featuring lower entrance fees and the flexibility to add the networking evening dinner as an optional extra.
14.03.2025, IPI
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