Verified carbon footprint for lightweight glass bottles from Vetropack

World premiere for sustainable glass production – Vetropack's tempered lightweight glass bottles have successfully completed the TÜV SÜD VERIglass procedure and now boast a verified carbon footprint. Vetropack is the first glass manufacturer in the world to subject one of its packaging products to the precise verification process and thus drives fact-based and scientifically sound emission reduction.

«Vetropack is setting a good example in this regard – congratulations on the successful completion.»

Dr Robert Hermann, Head of the Green Energy and Sustainability Business Unit at TÜV SÜD in Austria

More and more companies are determining their CO2 footprint to accurately monitor emissions and develop strategies to reduce them. As the first glass packaging producer worldwide, Vetropack had the carbon footprint of its thermally hardened lightweight glass bottles verified via the VERIglass procedure by TÜV SÜD – a clear signal in favour of innovation and sustainable glass production. The TÜV SÜD process enables precise mapping of CO₂ emissions and creates clear operational boundaries. Regularly defined benchmarks and continuous validation ensure a fact-based CO₂ reduction.

“Vetropack combines environmental responsibility with economic efficiency and aims to minimise carbon emissions as early as the glass packaging production stage. The VERIglass verification of our tempered lightweight glass bottles is a decisive step forward in this regard. It has enabled us to identify new potential reductions and further improve our sustainable production processes,” explains Dr Daniel Egger, Group Innovation Director at Vetropack.

“VERIglass helps maximise evidence-based CO₂ emission reductions. With our specialised services across all relevant process areas, we support our customers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making their products more environmentally friendly. Vetropack is setting a good example in this regard – congratulations on the successful completion,” says Dr Robert Hermann, Head of the Green Energy and Sustainability Business Unit at TÜV SÜD in Austria.

Vetropack launched the first thermally hardened lightweight glass bottle in Austria together with Mohrenbrauerei in 2019. The 0.33-litre reusable standard bottle was launched in spring 2024. It is used by well-known brands such as Gösser “Biostoff” and is available to the entire brewing industry in Austria. Thanks to the specially developed thermal hardening process, Vetropack's innovative reusable bottles are not only more robust, but also 30 percent lighter and can be reused more often. This technological advance reduces resource consumption, lowers CO₂ emissions and offers considerable advantages in logistics.

12.03.2025, Vetropack

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