Egger Glas Boosts Efficiency: BowScanner Takes Glass Quality to New Heights

Egger Glas GmbH, a renowned glass processor, faced the challenge of further optimizing efficiency in sorting and buffer systems, as well as in insulating glass production. In addition, the goal was to further increase the quality of insulating glass units.

Precise Solution with BowScanner

Excessive overall deflection of the glass often causes defects in subsequent work steps. The BowScanner addresses exactly this challenge. By precisely measuring the overall deflection of each individual glass pane before further processing, panes with excessive curvature can be identified and sorted out early on. This not only optimizes the processes in downstream processing steps but also improves the quality of the end products, especially in insulating glass units.

Challenges in Glass Production that Need to Be Addressed

Technical Specifications and Benefits

The BowScanner is characterized by its vertical installation and easy integration into existing production lines. It measures the overall deflection on all four edges and both diagonals of the glass panes, enabling comprehensive quality control with the highest precision.

Boost Production

Using the BowScanner further increases production efficiency in glass processing plants, but product quality is also significantly improved. The early detection of quality aspects leads to a better understanding of the causes, a long-term optimization of the tempering process, and adjustments to the furnace parameters based on the documented analyses of the BowScanner.

Conclusion: Pioneering the Glass Industry’s Future

The implementation of the BowScanner at glass processors demonstrates how innovative technologies can master the challenges in the glass industry. By improving quality control and further optimizing production processes, the company is positioning itself as a pioneer in the industry and setting new standards for efficiency and product quality in flat glass processing.

03.03.2025, LiteSentry - Softsolution

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