Lewiston, Maine, USA – Elmet Technologies, the only fully integrated, U.S.-owned and operated tungsten and molybdenum manufacturer, today announces the successful launch of a new website, focused entirely on its glass melting electrodes and molybdenum solutions for the glass industry.
The website offers visitors new content with the latest glass melting electrode (GME) product line information, including material types: molybdenum (Mo) and molybdenum-zirconium (MoZrO2).
Beyond the key features and product information about the electrodes, the website also highlights anti-oxidation and oxidation-protective coatings available for particularly aggressive glass melts.
Also highlighted are glass industry application examples that utilize molybdenum electrode products and materials, as well as the specific benefits of utilizing Elmet Technologies’ glass melting electrodes.
In addition to its products and services, the website provides an in-depth look at Elmet Technologies’ full range of capabilities, including its three U.S. facilities in Lewiston, Maine; Coldwater, Michigan; and Euclid, Ohio, resultant of Elmet Technologies’ 2023 acquisition of H.C. Starck Solutions Americas.
Elmet Technologies continues to provide the glass industry with the highest standards for efficient glass melting and electric boosted melting with its high-purity molybdenum (Mo) electrodes.
With a new and improved look, and a dedicated platform to host all information regarding its glass melting electrodes, Elmet Technologies’ breadth of products, capabilities, and services are on full display. From comparing use cases for molybdenum vs. molybdenum-zirconium electrodes, to the differences between standard and tapered threads, the new website demonstrates an unparalleled glass melting electrode product line with a level of expertise that is unmatched in the glass industry.
26.02.2025, Elmet Technologies
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