Qemetica has temporarily shut down its soda ash plant in Janikowo, Kujawy, Poland.
The decision comes in response to what the company has called “the biggest crisis in the European chemical industry in decades”.
Contributing factors include soaring energy costs and increasing regulatory pressure in the EU, which Qemetica said deprived European companies’ ability to compete with non-EU manufacturers.
Kamil Majczak, CEO of Qemetica, said: “We are ready for the worst, but we are still fighting for the stability of our operations in Kujawy, because this is not only the future of the company, but also the history of thousands of people.”
Over half of the world’s soda ash is used for glass production.
Consequently, a reduction in the soda ash market could directly impact glass capacity.
Qemetica has called for a debate on the future of the European soda ash industry.
Without changes in EU policy, it believes reducing soda ash production in Europe will become the norm.
It said: “Chemicals, like other industries, need sensible regulations that do not doom European companies to failure in global competition.
“Over the years, we have invested billions in modernisation and innovation at our plants.
“However, in the current regulatory and market realities, this is not enough to maintain competitiveness.”
The temporary shutdown in Janikowo will not affect Qemetica’s commitments to its customers.
However, if market conditions do not improve, further production cuts may be necessary at other plants.
15.02.2025, Qemetica
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