Henry F. Teichmann, Inc. and the HFT family of companies (“HFT”) is pleased to announce that Kevin Yung has been appointed to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mark Piedmonte will elevate from CEO to the Board of Directors as an Emeritus CEO assigned to focus on special clients and projects.
HFT – a provider of worldwide glass and industrial solutions – is headquartered in the United States and has over 75 years of expertise dedicated to serving the glass industry. Yung, along with the Management Team of Brad Hall, Chief Operations Officer, and Jordan Baker, Chief Financial Officer, will continue to drive strategies for growth and operational excellence while maintaining strict standards for quality and safety. HFT is also focused on innovation that enables the company to remain a premier provider in the industry.
“I am honored to take on the role of President and CEO at HFT,” said Yung. “It is a privilege to lead a company with such a rich history and talented team. I extend my thanks to Mark for his leadership and look forward to working with him in his new capacity. Our dedicated team will continue to undertake and deliver challenging projects, drive operational excellence, and ensure client satisfaction.”
14.02.2025, HFT
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