Inauguration of Revolutionary Volta Flat Glass Production Line

On 12 February 2025, AGC and Saint-Gobain officially inaugurated the Volta production line in the presence of local authorities, stakeholders and representatives of both companies. Volta, at the AGC Barevka plant in Teplice, is a breakthrough pilot project aiming to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions and support the transition to sustainable flat glass production. The pilot furnace uses an innovative glass production technology that has never been used in the world before. This is an exceptionally large R&D investment of both companies, which was financially supported by the European Union’s Innovation Fund.

The Volta R&D project, supported by the EU Innovation Fund, includes the reconstruction of the production line in Dubí. The line will be 50% electrified and 50% fired by a combination of oxygen and gas, allowing for a significant reduction in direct carbon emissions. The new technology also focuses on circularity as the Volta hybrid melting furnace will operate at a higher ratio of recycled materials, much higher than the industry standards.

The Volta project, a cooperation between AGC and Saint-Gobain, combines the technical know-how and innovative approaches of both companies. The two companies share the ambition to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to a faster transition towards clean technologies. 

For AGC Barevka, with a tradition dating back to 1912, the investment not only enables the modernisation of technology but also contributes to further employment and ensures the future production of patterned glass in Dubí (Czech Republic).

Yoshinori Hirai, President & CEO of AGC: "The new hybrid line for the production of patterned glass in Dubí will not only significantly reduce CO₂ emissions but will also increase the energy efficiency of our production. The Volta Project is a major step on our journey towards carbon neutrality and demonstrates our commitment to innovation and sustainability."

12.02.2025, AGC Glass Europe

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