Vitro Architectural Glass has initiated a significant investment plan to expand its Wichita Falls, Texas, location to allow for the annual production of up to 25 million patterned solar glass lites upon completion. A $67.6 million investment tax credit allocation from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will enable this investment.
The Wichita Falls expansion will establish a new patterned solar glass facility, including a new furnace, a roll-forming chamber, and a cooling and production line.
“Today marks a significant milestone in Vitro's future,” said Adrian Sada, Vitro CEO. “We’ve completed several Department of Energy (DOE) and General Services Administration (GSA) awards and are ready to fulfill this new award at our Wichita Falls location, which has the necessary infrastructure, supply chain, glass operations and maintenance expertise to support current architectural glass production and a new patterned solar glass facility. We’re proud to be the only well-established and reputable company to receive an investment tax credit allocation of this type.”
This initiative demonstrates Vitro's commitment to innovation and addresses the rising demand for American-made solar glass products. By expanding its Wichita Falls location to accommodate a new patterned solar glass facility in the U.S., Vitro would be setting the industry standard, contributing to economic growth in Wichita Falls and creating approximately 290 new full-time jobs. Vitro would also collaborate with local and state agencies to provide apprenticeship opportunities for students from diverse economic backgrounds.
Vitro is in ongoing discussions with U.S.-based solar photovoltaic module manufacturers about sourcing patterned solar glass and is confident that it will shortly finalize binding agreements with customers seeking a reputable partner with more than a century of glass-making experience.
"Current partners and potential clients are enthusiastic about supporting the production of patterned solar glass made in America,” said Ricardo Maiz, President of Vitro Architectural Glass. “Sourcing this crucial component for solar modules domestically will reduce supply chain complexities and ensure product delivery reliability. This will also help U.S. installers meet the requirements for the Domestic Content Bonus of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC).”
In the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Congress appropriated $10 billion to the DOE, which announced $4 billion of round one funding in March 2024 and $6 billion of round two funding in January 2025. Solar glass is an eligible component under IRC Section 48C(e), Qualified Advanced Energy Project Credit, which includes property designed to produce energy from the sun.
“We genuinely appreciate the time the DOE took to understand the domestic demand versus supply equilibrium gap,” said Paul Bush, Vice President of Technical Services, Sustainability, and Government Affairs at Vitro Architectural Glass. “This understanding was crucial for supporting our request for an IRS investment tax credit, which allows for additional capacity to produce patterned solar glass at our Wichita Falls location.”
27.01.2025, Vitro Architectural Glass
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