AGC invests in a new FINEO production line in Lodelinsart (Belgium)

AGC Glass Europe, the European branch of world leading glass manufacturer AGC, announces a major investment in a new insulating vacuum glass production line at its Lodelinsart site (Belgium). This ambitious initiative represents a consequent capital investment, underlining AGC's ongoing commitment to meet its customers’ growing needs through innovation and high-technology.

The new production line is scheduled to start operations in the second trimester of 2026 and will enable AGC to significantly increase its production capacities of FINEO ultra-thin insulating vacuum glass in Europe, very close to its main customers.   

FINEO, that has now obtained CE marking, is a new generation of insulating glass with a 0.1 mm vacuum that provides thermal insulation comparable to triple glazing, yet is much thinner and lighter. FINEO also makes it possible to significantly reduce the thickness of new window frames, thereby drastically reducing the required quantities of raw materials. These properties help to reduce CO2 emissions during both production and after installation. 

According to Davide Cappellino, Chairman of AGC Glass Europe and President for Architectural Glass Europe and Americas: “FINEO will be vital for restauration and renovation of the windows and façades of Europe’s vast building stock, many of which are poorly insulated but cannot easily accommodate thicker insulated glass. At the same time FINEO will also be a solution for new buildings due to its unrivalled thinness”.

AGC will be working closely with its local stakeholders, customers and partners to ensure the success of this ambitious project and together shape a sustainable and innovative glass industry.

21.01.2025, AGC Glass Europe

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