Forglass is opening its virtual doors to all glass producers – even to those who have less experience – in a bold move aimed at sharing its knowledge via an online seminar.
Piotr Knast, Forglass CEO, says: “My idea was to do it out of the box, to present a complicated technology in a simple way using mathematical modelling pictures and animations and, simultaneously, to answer the questions the glass industry is facing today.”
The topics that will be discussed during seminar are following:
1. See the invisible. Melting tank currents and their impact on melting progress and glass quality.
2. From dog house to throat (Melting tank geometry, the sequence of process stages, batch blanket, foam, glass homogeneity).
3. Increasing share of electricity 0-30% for flint glass and amber glass.
4. What is the difference between melting of flint and reduced glass and what are the requirements for the furnace?
5. Cost and C02 reduction by modification of glass chemistry.
6. Mixing of glass in the melting zone. Can it be improved?
7. Increasing share of electricity 30-80% (hybrid furnaces).
8. First full electric Hot Top as alternative for cold top.
9. Topic chosen by the participants and prepared especially at their request.
For more information, please, contact Forglass at:
15.01.2025, Forglass
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