SCHOTT maintains strength in a challenging market

In the past fiscal year, SCHOTT recorded a slight decline in revenue of 1%, with revenues of EUR 2.8 billion. Adjusted for currency effects, revenue increased by 3%. Business in the pharmaceutical, optics, and semiconductor industries contributed significantly.

The company increased its equity ratio to 66%, providing a strong foundation for future investments and continued growth.

SCHOTT expanded its global presence through significant investments in key locations, including Germany, Hungary, and Malaysia.

SCHOTT achieved solid results in FY 2023/2024. The international technology group successfully navigated significant challenges, including a weak market environment in the home appliances sector, high energy and factor costs, and increasing international competition. SCHOTT nearly maintained its global revenue at EUR 2.8 billion and achieved earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of EUR 400 million. “Over the past year, we achieved steady financial results and further strengthened our equity, despite a challenging market environment. Additionally, our free cash flow increased considerably to EUR 148 million. Looking ahead, we aim to leverage this financial stability to drive innovation and growth in our key markets," says Dr. Frank Heinricht, Chairman of the SCHOTT Management Board.

In FY 2023/2024, SCHOTT recorded a slight decline in revenue (-1 %), while slightly increasing its equity ratio from 63% to 66%. The company is leveraging this financial strength to fund future investments in strategic growth and ambitious sustainability initiatives.

International expansion

The German company continued its international expansion with investments totaling approximately EUR 450 million in Europe, Asia, and the Americas to meet the demands of industry-specific global supply chains. Over the past year, SCHOTT inaugurated a new logistics center in Mitterteich, Germany and opened a new production facility for optical precision components in Kulim, Malaysia, which also supplies high-end optics for the augmented reality (AR) sector.

SCHOTT Pharma also expanded its operations, increasing capacity for polymer syringes in Müllheim, Germany, among other initiatives. Additionally, SCHOTT Pharma opened a state-of-the-art production facility in Lukácsháza, Hungary, and celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for a new factory in Jagodina, Serbia.

Continued sustainability initiatives

In 2024, SCHOTT successfully melted optical glass using 100% hydrogen in a large-scale production environment, while meeting the strict quality standards of conventionally produced end products. This significant milestone underlines SCHOTT’s commitment to becoming a climate-neutral company in the future.

Additionally, the company began constructing an electric pilot melting tank in Mitterteich, Germany. This fully electric e-tank is expected to go online in 2026 and will use 100% green electricity to produce borosilicate glass tubing for the pharmaceutical industry.

Outlook: continued innovation for high tech markets

According to SCHOTT CFO Marcus Knöbel, the group plans to further strengthen its global presence and support future-oriented industries such as semiconductors and consumer electronics with innovative high-end materials to push the boundaries of what is possible. “We aim to invest around EUR 450 million in the current fiscal year, maintaining a similarly high level as in previous years,” says Knöbel. 

Specialty glass is considered an essential component to meet the increasing demand for advanced packaging in the semiconductor market. In 2023, SCHOTT outlined a three-point plan announcing new glass substrates and expanded production and processing capacities. In the past fiscal year, the company established a semiconductor-focused division and introduced new glass types and specifications, such as SCHOTT® low-loss glass.

Augmented reality continues to be a promising field for growth and innovation. SCHOTT is significantly enhancing its processing capabilities by expanding its production site in Malaysia. With a unique AR portfolio of diffractive and reflective waveguides, SCHOTT is well-positioned to support the industry on its path to the mass market.

For the coming years, SCHOTT plans to focus on developing innovative materials, including specialty glass and glass-ceramics, that advance both science and industry thanks to tailor-made solutions.



07.01.2025, Schott

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