A conference in Bangkok, Thailand will focus on the Future of Glass Manufacturing.
The Glassman Asia conference will focus on the latest trends and technologies in the glass manufacturing segment.
The organiser has issued a Call for Papers for the event, which takes place on February 12 and 13 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC).
Among the topics expected to be under discussion are the industry's pathway to decarbonisation, sustainable production practices as well as the increased use of digital technologies in the manufacturing process, such as AI.
The conference will take place over two days with presentations timed at 20 minutes each.
Anyone interested in submitting a paper should contact Greg Morris at gregmorris@quartzltd.com
The conference will run parallel to the Glassman Asia trade show, which is focused on the processes in the hot and cold end of glass manufacturing.
08.11.2024, Glassman Asia
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