Iris Inspection Machines and Video Systems have formed a partnership which introduces Oculus NEO, a check inspection solution by camera.
Oculus has already proven its efficiency, reliability and ease of use in different glass factories, among others in Verallia France and Vetri Speciali in Italy.
This solution has been developed with glassmakers to offer scalability, efficiency and a user-friendly experience.
In addition, Oculus NEO is integrable on any carousel machine.
Compatible with Iris' AI-based assistant iBot, Oculus NEO answers smart plants challenges.
Jean-Luc Logel, CEO of Iris Inspection Machines, said: "This synergy with Video Systems, a specialist in miniaturisation and high-performance visual inspection systems, enables us to enhance our portfolio by providing glassmakers a flexible and reliable check inspection solution.
"We offer better defect identification, reduced downtime, more operational efficiency: this combination ensures our customers cost savings and sustainability."
Oculus NEO (pictured below) is the result of a long collaboration with Italian glassmakers.
It has been created to replace and improve traditional check inspection and offers accuracy in checks defect detection, to improve the quality control of glass containers.
Its large experience allows the detection of vertical and horizontal checks with high accuracy and covers the full container.
05.11.2024, IRIS Inspection
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