Glass sculptor and environmentalist Karen LaMonte received the Phoenix Glass Person of the Year 2024 award at a glittering ceremony on Friday night.
Ms LaMonte was the 52nd recipient of the award, which highlights those who have made a substantial contribution to the glass industry in their career.
At the event in Prague, Czech Republic, close to her own glass studio, the audience of approximately 90 guests were told it was a tremendous honour to receive the award.
Guests included past recipients of the award, glass manufacturers, glass technology suppliers as well as Ms LaMonte's husband and business partner, Steve Polaner.
Phoenix Committee chairman, Erik Muijsenberg, told the audience that through her art Ms LaMonte explores themes of identity, femininity, and the human experience.
"Her sculptures have the power to evoke deep emotions and make us think, encouraging us to reflect on our place in the world and how people are connected.
"For Karen, glass is more than just a medium; it is a source of endless fascination and inspiration. We all know that glass is a challenging material to work with."
He said Ms LaMonte was an example to the glass industry as it strives to meet its decarbonisation aims. Ms LaMonte has been climate positive and carbon negative since 1990.
"Let us recognise the immense talent, dedication, and passion that she brings to her craft, and let us express our gratitude for the profound impact she has made on the world of art."
18.10.2024, Phoenix Glass
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