Bucher Automation Tettnang presents the next generation of its FMT24S machine controller at glasstec 2024

Bucher Automation Tettnang, formerly futronic, will be exhibiting for the first time under the new name and new identity at glasstec 2024 in October in Dusseldorf. Alongside a range of innovative products, the company Bucher Automation Tettnang will also be spotlighting the second generation of its proven FMT24S machine control system at the newly designed booth.

Originally launched in the market in 2004, this system revolutionised control technology in glass production. Although the FMT24S has been constantly developed and adapted ever since, the pros from Lake Constance decided that it was time for a complete revamp. Once again, they’ve succeeded in setting new standards with the upgrade, expanded capabilities and significantly better control performance.

More performance and stability

The FMT24S update comprises the hardware architecture in the control cabinet plus the control panel connection to the various sections. The developers naturally also overhauled the global operator software of the FMT24S. The new version boasts a whole series of technical features and functions. Amongst other things, the control cabinet’s inner workings have been redesigned and the hardware rebuilt. There is now far less wiring, so that apart from having a tidier appearance it is also less prone to error. In future, a new MPR2 machine processor will set the pace, ensuring even better performance and stability.

Optional interfaces like OPC-UA or the new certified ASi bus system for the operator panels are other additional hardware features. Bucher Automation Tettnang’s experts have also come up with a completely re-engineered section maintenance stop concept that includes a special setup mode.

The operator software impresses with a new look and feel, making it clearer and more intuitive to use. For example, the application now provides an improved overview of connected machine and drive system statuses and integrates an array of features for preventive maintenance and optimised diagnostics.

New FMT24S available from mid-2025

“Our number one aim was to enhance the control system’s performance and ensure long-term availability of spare parts”, says Florian Pawlowski, “in short, to make the FMT24S fit for the future.” At the same time, we were seeking to align the control system even more closely to customer requirements in tomorrow’s world – without in any way compromising compatibility or interoperability between the two generations.

According to Pawlowski, the upgrade has another advantage too: “We wanted the next generation to have lower manufacturing costs that can be passed on to our customers”. The old version will be discontinued once the new FMT24S becomes available in the middle of next year. There are no plans to offer an Upgrade Kit. Bucher Automation Tettnang will be unveiling the second generation of its proven FMT24S machine control system to a trade audience at glasstec 2024 in Hall 13, Stand D73.

17.10.2024, Bucher Automation

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