Industrial Print Integration announces conference agenda

Now in its third edition, the Industrial Print Integration (IPI) conference is considered the key contribution to the technology roadmap of all involved in innovative printing applications. Next to leading hardware, software and ink providers, IPI presents innovative input from technology users, emerging start-ups and research centres who highlight the latest available solutions. The event takes place on 19-20 November 2024 at Crowne Plaza Düsseldorf-Neuss.

From security features through to automotive, sensors and displays, direct-to-shape for plastics and glass, packaging, decor and textiles – IPI covers the full scope of liquid deposition technologies for various market applications. A record number of 330 international participants attended last year’s edition.

“It is an event to connect with top players in the printing industry, with a lot of interesting talks about improvements and new application possibilities,” commented João Silva from TMG Automotive. Raphael Vuillaume from the French printed electronics company MCVE exclaimed that “meeting and sharing are at the heart of this event.”

Over 50 presentations about the latest print technology for manufacturing fill the IPI 2024 programme. Each day opens with keynotes, including Airbus (inkjet in aircraft decoration), Kundisch (printed electronics for biomedical), Fraunhofer Institute (AI in business transformation) and University of Cambridge (inkjet research for healthcare). Expert speakers discuss market scenarios, user cases, as well as the full spectrum of technical issues, such as chemical resistance, mechanical strain, integration of robotics or precise fluid deposition on challenging substrates and components.

“As demand grows for products that increasingly incorporate print, there is a consistent growth across the industrial printing landscape. Printed electronics alone are one of the world’s fastest advancing technologies, present in such application fields as consumer goods, Internet of Things, healthcare, aerospace or transport,” says organiser Peter Buttiens from the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA). “The IPI conference offers print technology suppliers a platform to introduce various industries to a world of better, smarter and more sustainable manufacturing possibilities.”

Industrial Print Integration (IPI)

Date: 19-20 November 2024

Location: Crowne Plaza Düsseldorf-Neuss

Programme and registration:

15.10.2024, ESMA

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