Rockfield are excited to announce that we will, once again, be exhibiting at the upcoming glasstec - International Trade Fair 2024, 22nd – 25th October in Dusseldorf. Rockfield will be showcasing their latest developments contained within the new release of Elfen gd3D v.4.0. A new intuitive “User Experience” to make easy work of glass forming simulations of round and non-round containers, static and dynamic simulations for filling line collision and impact/drop test scenarios. All this along with the precision that comes with a full physics approach of modelling capability. Being part of Rockfield’s friends and partners in industry, you will be aware of the Elfen GD Software which now has the added 3D capabilities for forming simulations of round and non-round containers. If you haven’t already seen the software in action we would very much like to have the opportunity of demonstrating this to you. Visit us at Glasstec or send an email enquiry for a live demonstration to be booked in by one of our glass experts here at Rockfield. Come by and have a chat with us at glasstec, Hall 15, Stand number E03. Hope to see you there…
11.10.2024, Rockfield Software Ltd.
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