We are thrilled to announce Sparklike’s participation at Glasstec 2024 and the launch of our latest product — the Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2!

Introducing Sparklike’s Latest Innovation at Glasstec 2024


We are thrilled to announce Sparklike’s participation at Glasstec 2024 and the launch of our latest product — the Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2! Our new device brings advancements in IGU testing and reinforces our commitment to providing the highest standards in non-destructive gas measurement technology.

Explore Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2


Introducing the New Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2 – A Leap Forward in IGU Testing!


We at Sparklike are excited to share news from our product development team — the launch of the Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2! This latest innovation is set to improve the way we measure insulating glass units (IGUs) and we are eager to tell you all about it.


Advanced Technology for Accurate Measurements

The new Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2 builds on our industry leading TDLAS technology, providing non-destructive measurements for double and triple glazed insulating glass units with coatings and lamination. Key new features include:

Replaceable Measuring Head: Simplifies maintenance and reduces environmental impact.

Enhanced User Interface: For even easier operation and clearer notifications in all working conditions.

Improved Data Management: Features automatic averaging to streamline your measurements.

Designed for Professionals

Whether you are manufacturing, installing, or inspecting IGUs, the Sparklike Laser Portable™ 2.2 is designed to enhance your operations, ensuring that each glass unit meets the highest quality standards. Its portability and ease of use make it perfect for use both in the factory and in the field.


See It in Action

If you are interested to hear more, book your free product presentation were our Sales team will tell you about Sparklike devices and how they have improved our customers quality control process and verification of gas fill rate. In the Teams meeting you are also able to tell your requirements and ask questions about gas measurement of IGUs.


Meet Sparklike at Glasstec 2024


Sparklike is attending Glasstec 2024! We invite you to visit our booth in Hall 14 / G17 and experience our non-invasive devices in action. Discover how our innovative technology can transform your approach to insulating glass unit measurements.


Engage with our experts, see live demonstrations, and explore how Sparklike solutions can benefit your projects.


See you at Glasstec 2024!

10.10.2024, Sparklike

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